Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch

How does that sound?    "Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch"   .!.


From the NYTimes transcript, some snippets of import:  President Trump:
“…I am a man of my word.  I will do as I say, …  nominating Judge Neil Gorsuch … to be [on] the United States Supreme Court. And I would like to ask Judge Gorsuch and his wonderful wife, Louise, to please step forward — please, Louise, Judge. Here they come. Here they come.
    (APPLAUSE)   “…respects our Laws and loves our Constitution!
                               Someone who will interpret them as written.”
Judge Gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support.” … “He could have had any job at any law firm for any amount of money, but what he wanted to do with his career was to be a judge, to write decisions and to make an impact by upholding our laws and our Constitution.  The qualifications of Judge Gorsuch are beyond dispute. He is the man of our country and a man who our country really needs and needs badly to ensure the rule of law and the rule of justice.”
“I would like to thank Senate leadership. I only hope that both Democrats and Republicans can come together for once for the good of the country.
 Congratulations to you and your family. May God bless you, may God bless our glorious nation. Judge Gorsuch, the podium, sir, is yours. [Such respect!]
Judge Gorsuch:  Thank you. Mr. President, thank you very much.
Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, you and your team have shown me great courtesy in this process, and you’ve entrusted me with a most solemn assignment. …  I pledge that if I am confirmed I will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the Constitution and laws of this great country.  …  vital to the protection of the people’s liberties under law and to the continuity of our Constitution, the greatest charter of human liberty the world has ever known.  …I began my legal career working for Byron White, the last Coloradan to serve on the Supreme Court, and the only justice to lead the NFL in rushing.
A judge who likes every outcome he reaches is very likely a bad judge , stretching for results he prefers rather than those the law demands.  I am so thankful tonight for my family, my friends and my faith. These are the things that keep me grounded at life’s peaks and have sustained me in its valleys.  To Louise, my incredible wife and companion of 20 years, my cherished daughters who are watching on TV, and all my family and friends, I cannot thank you enough for your love and for your prayers. I could not attempt this without youMr. President, I am honored and I am humbled. Thank you very much.

Your Rush ECHO for Wednesday 2-1-2017
RushEcho@AOL.com  is Charlie/Lynnette and MacFamily is Lynnette/Charlie.
Join our Wellness online club: www.Melaleuca.com/LynnetteCharlieShipp

ED:   Lynnette and I can hardly imagine why confirmation could not be done in
five days, rather than the projected five weeks !!!!!  Why go on and on and on?

Sunday, January 29, 2017

God's children and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

LDS Church Expresses Concern for those Fleeing Violence, War and Religious Persecution

In response to recent media inquiries, the following statement has been released:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is concerned about the temporal and spiritual welfare of all of God's children across the earth, with special concern for those who are fleeing physical violence, war and religious persecution. The Church urges all people and governments to cooperate fully in seeking the best solutions to meet human needs and relieve suffering. 

 ED:  The best inspired solutions, already begun by President Trump, are to begin to destroy ISIS and build the Middle East countries back up, including safe sanctuaries in those countries, prioritizing Christians in Muslim countries.  Rudy Giuliani explained that Trump asked him to convene a few legal minds to make sure his steps were constitutional and they came up with denying the seven countries US entry for now, based on past Jihad violence, not based on religion. Challenges to executive orders will fail.  The Trump administration will negotiate, as is President Trump’s way, and all good people, here and abroad, will be happy with these inspired solutions. 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

City of Angels, Los Angeles Hollywood, is La La Land

You really should see La La Land (again) this weekend.
It means L.A. Los Angeles, Hollywood, the impossible dream, shooting
for the stars, thinking outside the box, but sometimes the unreachable.
   As we get closer to the Oscars (Feb26) we’ll tell why it will win and
what we like. Six years in preparation, there was time for Ryan Gosling
to learn the piano (no small task) and tap-dancing.  … Plot spoiler:
   There are other good movies (if you like establishment R-moves);
But in style, not-R, uplifting, beautiful, entertaining, this movie will win.
Other movies look back—this move looks to a brighter future.
   The other movies will split the vote and La La Land will win Best Movie.
For those of us in L.A. (including voters) we love the dozen landmarks;
for those of you who don’t, you get a free visit to what we love here.

  Like with Trump, those who criticize the movie, totally miss the style.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Trump Inaugural Address (Abbreviated and annotated)

Trump Inaugural Address                                                          January 20, 2017

Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world:  thank you.
We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.
Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for years to come.
We will face challenges. We will confront hardships. But we will get the job done.
– … we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.   … – starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you. … This is your day. This is your celebration.  And this, the United States of America, is your country.
Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves.
These are the just and reasonable demands of a righteous public.
… The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.
For many decades, … The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed across the entire world.
But that is the past. And now we are looking only to the future.
From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.
From this moment on, it’s going to be America First.
Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families.
We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs.  Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.
       I will fight for you with every breath in my body
             – and I will never, ever let you down.
America will start winning again, winning like never before.  … build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation.  We will get our people off of welfare and back to work – rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.
We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and Hire American.
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world – but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow. We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones – and unite the civilized world against Radical Islamic Terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.
At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
The Bible tells us, “how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.” … When America is united, America is totally unstoppable. …
There should be no fear – we are protected, and we will always be protected.
We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.
Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.
A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.
It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag.
And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.
So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, and from ocean to ocean, hear these words:
You will never be ignored again.
Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams, will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.
Together, We Will Make America Strong Again;  We Will Make America Wealthy Again;  We Will Make America Proud Again;  We Will Make America Safe Again; And, Yes, Together, We Will Make America Great Again. Thank you, God Bless You, And God Bless America.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Israel and Christ (Tues.Class, 1-24-2017)

Rynna TEACHER 1-24-2017                           
(Palos Verdes Stake of Zion)

We’ve had some amazing rain;  and an amazing stake conference.  Rynna is in good voice.

A good start for the Trump administration.  Sean Spicer was refreshing in the briefing.

J.Post:  Will American Jews wake up after 28 bomb threats in the United States?  You have to pay attention.  It is their new tactic to just phone in a bomb threat—one could become real.

Montana ski resorts were threatened;  northern London also.  Bricks with horrible notes.  It reminds us of Nazi Germany.  Speak out against intimidation.  London has a large Muslim community.  Look at the power of a female voice on the phone, or a note on a brick.

Prophesy tells us the Jews will be hated and hunted as a lion hunts prey. We’ve lived it and see it now.  The other horrifying thing:  there were 194 anti-Semitic and a year later 416.  Twitter saw 40million tweets like this.   [Jihadist supporters] have felt a ‘safe zone’ in USA.

Jared Kushner is Donald Trump’s right-hand-man and is an Orthodox Jew.  His younger brother was seen at the million woman’s march, an interesting twist.  Trump invites Netanyahu to come to the White House in February. PM Teresa May shakes it up in UK; Angela Merkel in Germany; and a woman Le Pen runs in France.  Women are rising in leadership.  Trump will face women.

Ivanka Trump converted, which is very difficult to do.  They do a lot on the Sabbath.

Netanyahu talked to Trump and then went to see and attend the Shabbat/mourning of the Rabbi’s mother.  “Israel’s future is in the hands of Heaven.”  (1) Danger from Iran;  (2) Appeared at UN.  He said he had as much support at the UN as within Israel.
The Trump Adm is in the beginning stages of moving the US Embassy into Jerusalem, but there are so many proponents of Jordan coming it, it could delay.  Trump was emphatic before. All the other nations have their embassies in the capitol of Tel Aviv, and moving ours will change the capitol of Israel to Jerusalem.  Safety of the people is a concern.

Fred Hansen drove Donald Trump on a golf cart in PV and said to Trump, “It’s going well for you”  to which he replied, “Make sure you help the women to follow.”  Franklin Graham noted that God sends the rain to show his blessing at the Inauguration.

We are at the very end of Jesus raising three from the dead.  [handout.]
Jarius’s little daughter died in her room, for just a few hours.   The son of the widow of Nain had been dead for only a day.  Lazarus had been dead for four days.  [Review of stages]

They carried the widow’s son feet-first, which was their tradition.  He was prepared for burial and wrapped with face covered.  Jesus said the young girl, ‘slept’, and asked for anonymity.
      [[For later.]]   [Handout Jan.24th]   “Miracles of Jesus … Raising the Dead”   [[For later.]]
   [Handout for Lesson 3  —  Jan.24th]  “Jewish burial customs at the time of Christ”

Lazarus had been dead for four days, decomposing.  Body turns green, purple, then black, with stench.  This is normal. Hence, the body could be embalmed, which the Jewish people don’t do.  Egyptians remove organs and pump fluid into the remaining shell. Then organs are buried with the body. [In the Book of Mormon, the queen said, “Some say he [the King]  stinketh, but to me he does not stink.”] 

There are ancient rabbinical writings saying that the spirit lingers with the body for three days (maximum) and ascends after seeing where the body is laid. 

Why do you think Jesus let Lazarus lay dead for four days?  So the people would know he was dead, dead, dead.  Death was a big deal in ancient Israel, even though we live to die and live again.  Don’t be afraid of death and have greater faith in Heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation.

((Reading:  Energy can only be converted from one form to another, none is destroyed.  Matter breaks down but is never destroyed.   Our physical bodies all return to Mother Earth, dust to dust.))

What Jesus did was restore the structure of cells.   See D.C. 131.  [All spirit is matter, not seen by human eyes, usually.]  Your body just settles down.  Isn’t that a beautiful thought?  The Creator put the fundamental laws in place.  God loves you.  The renewal of all the cells is the Resurrection provided by the Savior.   He has that power.

Jesus raising of Lazarus was amazing!  What about his burial clothes?  Let’s look at burial customs.
   [Handout for Lesson 3  —  Jan.24th]  “Jewish burial customs at the time of Christ”
We’ll discuss which burial customs exist even to this day, with the Jewish people.
(1) The dead had a right to ceremonial care.  Today, the body is never left alone reading Psalms.
(2) Rending the Garments.  Today, they rent their garments over the heart.
(3) Lighting Candles; Continuous Attendant.  Light can be beautiful.  Holy Societies are called in 24/7.
(4) Must be buried the same day.  Total mourning, not even answering greetings in the street.
(5) Mourners and Pipers.  Active Jews reaffirm their Faith so they don’t curse God in bitterness.
(6) Charitable Societies Help.  The body is bathed and wrapped in holy cloth.
(7) Tombs, Coffins, Ossuaries, Burial Places.  A simple pine box, among other Jews.
A lot more was covered by teacher Rynna and it is best for you to attend for full information/insights.

When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea out of Egypt, they took Joseph’s bones.

QUESTION:   Do these procedures have anything to do with the resurrection and the soul?
ANS:  Yes, we love these tabernacles even though they get sick, they are our temples.
They are what we inherit for Eternity.   When Jesus raised the three, diseases were gone.

We watched the LDS video [Lazarus walks:  John 11:1-4]  Know what you know to watch.    Prayer.

NOTE:  Please review these student notes.                Lynnette and Charles.Edwin.Shipp@gMail.com

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The mission call in Pacific Ward, California

Raymond Fowler received his envelope for his mission call, but waited to open it with friends and family.  We got things ready in the kitchen and then met in the Relief Society room to open the envelope.  A nine-hour difference (California and Philippines) allowed a social media connection and then our young future missionary opened his envelope hoping it was a call to the Philippines.

He was not disappointed, tears, hugs to parents, the 45 attending moved also.  His father served there and corresponded after his mission with his mother who grew up there. Raymond will be a great missionary to the land of family. He's visited before to meet his grandmother in the Philippines.

Tom Fowler has a book on buying and selling sport boats of medium size;  Medy Fowler, Raymond's mother, has a book of meeting the Savior: "Home and Back Again: My Journey Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death"  Home and Back Again

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Israel and Christ (Tues.Class, 1-17-2017)

Rynna TEACHER 1-17-2017                           
(Palos Verdes Stake of Zion)

Rynna had grandchildren clinging to her legs as she left this morning.  She told them that the class was for ten hours, to bring some rest/recovery.

From Jerusalem Post:  Jared Kushner will broker the Middle East peace. He and his wife are Orthodox Jews and strictly do not drive on the Sabbath—they walk to the Chabad Synagogue, a seven-minute walk.  It’s surprising that they announce this per security.  They will live in a multi-million dollar home, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

Think of the box that this put Benjamin Netanyahu in. [Orthodox vs not Orthodox Jews.]

Did you see Obama in total denial on TV 60-Minutes, “Oh, that didn’t cause any problems [the denial vote in the UN.]”  His big ego leads to his pride overcoming rational thinking.  

The intolerance is also shown by not attending the Inauguration.  As a ‘tolerant’ nation, we see our own intolerance.  They don’t study on their own but take the 90% of media against Trump. They don’t report things and report false things.  Fake News has been going on for decades, like with Dan Rather—he now teaches college, “Ethics in News”. 

Wikileaks reveals that The Obama Administration initiated the UN vote against Israel.

The Peace summit in Paris of 70 nations was a dud, thank Goodness.  From the J-Post:  Zech 2:12 surely who touches you [Israel] touches the apple of my eye.

Palestine opens their embassy for the first time at the Vatican in Rome, Italy. 

Trump vowed to move the Capitol of Israel to Jerusalem.  Here’s some history on the West Bank: It was only claimed by Jordan, and only recognized by UK, Iraq, and Pakistan. UN Resolution 242 was a ‘peace resolution’ and the backbone of further negotiations.   It gives Israel the right to be in the West Bank.  It’s from the Johnson Adm.  ((Reading: until a just and lasting peace is achieved.))

David Freedman was appointed as Ambassador.  People think he is a man of high integrity and the United States should move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.  Jordan says it will start a war and cause bloodshed. It is a right for Israel to build housing, as agreed to when Palestinians signed the Oslo Accords in 1993.

No one disputes that the land was rightfully that of Israel — Jordan took over for a brief period from 1948 to 1967.  Who wants to grant land to people who say, “You don’t have the right to exist.”  The Sadducees reached out and Putin who then toured the temple mount grounds — They want Trump and Putin to build the Third Temple. God’s ways are not our ways. The Dome of the Rock does not have to go because Mt Moriah extends 600 ft out and could very easily be built South of the Dome of the Rock.  The Dome of the Rock is built upon Solomon’s Temple, but Jewish belief is not always according to prophesy.  They believe that the dome over a rock is where Abraham nearly offered Isaac as a sacrifice, and where Mohammad ascended.

Adam offered sacrifice to God from Mt Moriah.  You see the mount in a film we have seen.  David was an army king and whatever he said was carried out.  He looked for the greatest fortress, and asked God, and moved on top of that mountain.  Besides being elevated and on rock, it had underground wells. The wall of Jerusalem was built.  Jesus healed people around those pure waters.

Freedom of information act …
We started the year with fascinating scriptures and science of life and death.  Jesus raised three people from the dead.  We go through it to understand the resurrection and atonement of Jesus Christ.   [Rynna reviewed for those not attending last time.  We’ll see the video again.]

The 12-yr-old girl was the daughter of a Synagogue man name Jairus.  There were 37 miracles of Jesus in his last year.  These three are unique in giving the names of recipients:  two of them are in the raising of the dead, then the blind man named Artinya. 

To understand how we will be resurrected, it helps to understand what happens to our bodies at death, the three stages are fascinating. The widow’s son was the first, representative of Jesus Christ, the son of Mary.  Jesus used the word ‘resurrection’ in Greek, even though they were resuscitated to live and die later of natural causes. 

Back in Galilee, Jesus is walking and the powerful father rushes forward and prostrates himself to ask Jesus to come to raise his daughter. Mark is the oldest of the Gospels and has the greatest details;  Matthew has eight verses and cuts to the chase, writing to the Jews.   Luke is the physician.

Matthew says she was dead;  Mark and Luke say she was hanging on.  Imagine what Jairus was thinking when Jesus stopped to heal the woman with an issue of blood.  Jairus was told, no hurry was needed because the daughter was ‘gone’.  Mark 5:36 “Fear not, only believe.” 

The little girl had only been dead for several hours.  See handout.  The first stages of death, death chill, body reaches room temp with Algor mortis, then in two to six hours rigor mortis sets in. The napkin on the face of the deceased creates a private space since the ‘soul’ lingers in a state of anxiety until the body is buried.

Jews believe in the resurrection of the dead at the coming of Messiah.  You should not tamper with the body—it is cemented in Jewish Law.  They prefer burial per religious believe. Holocaust was horrific to them especially.  It is one thing to die and another to be desecrated, before and after death, being just tossed into mass graves.

There is the spiritual world and the Earth is also a physical world.  [Watched the dau. Video] Prayer.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Israel and Christ (Tues Class One, 2017)

Rynna TEACHER 1-10-2017                                     (Palos Verdes Stake, LDS Church)

Sister O (Rynna) and Dale Hanks were working on the TV video and adjusting the color.  About 15 are here now, and there is a light shower outside.

This is the first class of 2017, every Tuesday from 10:30am to noon.  “We’ll see some changes this year;  that’s for sure.”  [Prayer]  Last year we studied the miracles of Christ, and I purposely left out the greatest three:  Life, Death, Atonement and Resurrection.  Even the science will strengthen testimony.

We’ll look mainly at the 40 days after resurrection.  [Redemption of the dead.]

Things will get popping pretty soon, and the Gospel rolls on.  President-elect Donald Trump brings in his son-in-law, Jared, as a top advisor.  He is not only Jewish, he is Orthodox Jewish.  That lights up the Arab supporters.  [God’s will.]  He needs to get security clearance.

Regards to ‘nepotism’ President Bill Clinton appointed Hillary over HillaryCare.  In the 1990s, that was fought but was pushed through in the Senate.  Jared Kushner has holdings all over the world, a very wealthy man. Lawyers work out the holdings.   Be aware that much about Israel will be placed to Jared Kushner. He is the senior presidential advisor.   It goes president, Jared, cabinet.   [I missed Beverly Perry’s comment while someone walked in. “Sit anywhere—there’s not a bad seat in the room.”]

A lesson to the rest of the world:   Germany allowed the LDS temple to be built in East Germany in exchange for the ancestral records; but God wasn’t going to have His temple in a Communist country, and the Wall came down.

[Comment on Syria.]          < ==    Ask Rynna to add here.

Rex Tillerson has dealings with Putin/Russia.  We’ll see what happens. 

Trump promised to move the capitol of Israel to Jerusalem, which is a hot topic. We’ll know shortly how that unfolds. With his son Jared it will be more controversial.

Look at the recent bomb threats to Jewish congregations all across America.  Pressure mounts against the Jewish all through the world, with absolutely shameful UN abstention by Power/JFKerry/Obama.  It was not just about the settlements and building houses.  It also withdrew the Israeli claim to the Western Wall and Temple Mount. 

((Reading from the Jerusalem Post:  Jews do not celebrate military victories.  Others celebrate conquering. When Jews fight, they simply fight for their children, their families, and the right to live in peace.  Then they go home, ready.))

((Reading on:   President Obama did not lift a finger to help the slaughtered children of Aleppo.  Worst of all will be the prosecution of Jewish military leaders at the Hague. Obama was blind to promises of $$ for Jihad. Hamas building weapons rather than houses is the ultimate reason.  100,000 children are trapped in Aleppo.  It is a resolution that will live in infamy. Obama’s Legacy was already stained by his Iranian Nuke Deal.))

Zechariah 12:2 says Jerusalem will be made a cup of staggering.  Ezekiel also.  ((Reading:  It will be a trigger for the war of Gog and Magog.))  

[We discussed military technology, briefly: Israel & USA collaborated.]

Archeology is also very interesting, in the Egyptian works in Canaan, a trove of treasure with emblems and representation of Egyptian gods, found in Israel.  Like with the Book of Mormon, God will reveal in His time, with the Word of the Lord being fulfilled.

There is so much to learn on the birth, mission, death, resurrection and beyond.  Let’s talk about Jesus raising the dead.  We are born to die and knowledge and testimony takes some of the sting out of loved ones passing over.  We will take a deeper look at what happens in resurrection.

Brother Mullins:  It is said, “We die to live” and this is part of the Plan.    

There can be deep grief, especially in burying a child.  Even with knowledge and faith in the afterlife and the resurrection, it can be difficult.  One could be your guardian angel throughout this life.   Knowing this strengthen all of us.

Jesus raised the only son of a widow. He raised a daughter.  He raised Lazarus from the tomb.  They each were in one of the three different stages I’ll describe.  All of the miracles have deep symbolism.  ((Reading from the class handout, “Miracles of Jesus—Raising the Dead”.))  You will rest from troubles and sorrow but will be very busy.

((Reading on:   If they accept the First Principles, they will have their work done in our temples.  D&C 138: 32-34.))  Visualize a string from wall to wall with holding fingers tightly together in the middle:  that is how narrow and brief is our mortality.

Be clear, no one that was raised was resurrected:  Jesus Christ was the first.

Let’s look at the stages of death and consider where their body was when Jesus raised the three from the death.  When we stop breathing, there is an Algore moment as the body cools down to room temperature.  Secondly, the blood goes down to the lowest area (usually legs) and coagulates in veins and capillaries.  Rigor mortis brings stiffness within two to six hours.  Is this more information than you want?  (Latin: rigor "stiffness", mortis "of death")

The third stage of death happens a few days after.  Your cells live for three day, which is significant.  Because of this, the body continues to fight off pathogens and bacteria. The army of white blood cells is gone and the body starts decomposing.

The son had been dead for two days;  the daughter died while Jesus was healing the woman with issue.  When Christ arrived, the body was cooling down.

Understand the view of death by the Jewish people.  They want the body to remain intact for the resurrection.  They also do not have open-casket funerals.    When they bound Jesus, they had a napkin over his face.  They bound Lazarus like a mummy.  In Jewish mysticism you have no right to look on another’s agony by looking at their face.  The mourning is for the family and they are to be allowed to mourn. 

They bury the corpse as rapidly as possible.  It is blasphemy to leave the body.  That is why they wanted to get Christ off the cross before the Saturday Sabbath.

They do not use makeup or embalming but close up untouched.  ((Reading:   Our bodies and souls will come together and be reunited with our loved ones at the coming of the Messiah.))  This makes the Holocaust even more horrible, dumping them in trenches. To them, that is even worse than death itself.

((Reading from Luke 7:11-17:  The Lord had compassion on the mother  …  He commanded the son to raise up.  Word went forth throughout all Judea.))

City of Nain is a beautiful place. [Video of raising the son of a widow,  Luke 17]   A very moving act of compassion.  What did you see?  Mother followed as they carried the son on a stretcher;  Christ touched him (to break the Law, which now considers Christ unclean) and he exposed his face, totally against Jewish law.  He then slid his hand behind the neck of the young man.  “I am the Law” said Christ, who gave the Law as Jehovah. 

There is so much shown in that healing.  It was her only son.  (Like Christ.)  In those days, like with Mary, the mother/widow is taken care of.  Christ gave stewardship over to John the Beloved.

They bury in tombs.  Looking through Jesus’s eyes, what is happening here?  “I am the resurrection and the life” and the mother represents Mary to him.  Christ was her firstborn and the only-begotten.  When he uses the word ‘Arise’ it is the only time in scripture he says this, and symbolizes his own resurrection and being viewed by Mary. 

In violation of Jewish law, he touched the body, removed the cloth, and raised the body from stage two. The widow’s son had not decomposed and the Savior’s touch restored everything instantly.  It was his first raising, and symbolizes the First Resurrection.

“He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”

We played the three-minute video again to see and appreciate more fully.
Closing prayer.


Communicate with Rynna via JosephOllivier@gMail.com                            Notes by Charles.Edwin.Shipp@gMail.com