Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Israel, Jesus Christ, and President Trump

Rynna TEACHER 5-16-2017                           
(Palos Verdes CA Stake of Zion)

On the whiteboard is written, “The Seventh Seal” … Reading: Revelations 12-13
1.      Rev. 8:7
2.      Rev. 8:8-9
3.      Rev. 8:10-11
4.      Rev. 8:4
5.      Rev. 9:1-3
6.      Rev. 9:13-16
7.      Rev. 11:15
If we endure faithfully, we become pure through the Atonement and Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Teacher Rynna welcomed 25 attending today.  We had visitors from Alabama. [Prayer] Rynna takes a sip from her bottled-water… We pray for her miracle of continued health!

There have been anti-Sematic incidences, now moving into Canada.  There have been 1,715 incidences since President Trump was elected at the beginning of this year, an increase of 20%.  There really is a separation taking place, between good and evil.  Ponder if this is because of the ‘Gathering of Israel” and the coming of the Lord.  

Reading:  The UN Security Council   …   sanctions on Israel   …   even while they allow them to have a permit to produce nerve gas. 

Here in 2017, you are witnessing the official beginning of the end.  President Trump will soon visit Israel.  When he visits the Western Wall, he will be the first sitting president to do so. This is holy to the Jewish people.  This also brings many problems to Israel.  Protection will be provided by 10,000 Israeli troops. 

President Trump could move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, [but remember he is a negotiator.] 

Right before the Savior comes, there will be the Armageddon war that could start in Jerusalem, DC87. Heavenly Father wants to bring things back, and “His ways are not our ways.”  Rex Tillerson warns that this move could create seeds of war.  The Whitehouse rejected Bibi Netanyahu’s request to be at the Western Wall w/Trump.

Bless the hearts of the Rabbis there:   they are right on top of current issues.   Trump’s arrival is the fulfillment of prophesy:  1 Chronicles Chapter 1 and the Talmud.  The Jews see the meaning.  The Rabbis know of the Seventh Seal and are asking Trump ascend Mt Moriah and offer a simple prayer at Temple Mount. It’s amazing.  When King Solomon dedicated the Temple 3,000 years ago, he invited kings to come there, including today. 

The prayer from Trump would be against the Jewish law in some eyes; but it gets even better. The Sanhedrin could call this the ‘dedication of the Third Temple’.  There are 300 ft. to the back that could be remodeled.  They have a mock-up of the temple and all the artifacts ready to go in.  The prophecy about the Land of Judah would be fulfilled.  Look at all the splinters that could come together here.  The Jews could build without disturbing the Muslims.

See WSJ: June 15th is the 50th anniversary, start of modern Israel. 

For the first time in history, the Muslim people are offering up a compromise to Israel.  Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Syria and other neighboring nations could negotiate for Israel to stop building settlements on the West Bank.  Iran is a threat to all these nations.  President Trump meets with these Gulf State leaders, including Afghanistan.   

QUESTION:   What does all of this mean?

Israel wants to maintain their political position—but now everybody want to be friends.

Plus, think what this does to fulfill prophesy.  Remember that every country will be against Israel in the War of Armageddon. [Patriarch Hansen adds a comment, which I can’t hear.]

The Jewish people are coming home to Israel, even from the United States, partly because of the anti-Sematic persecution-and the cake-mix is being stirred.  It’s incredible.

Brother Bob comments that God is on His timeframe, not ours.  You have the rich, and then you have the poor:  look at Saudi Arabia.  Money-lust is the root of many things. 

Brother Mullin comments on the coming election in Iran:  a religious zealot vs a politician. As members of the Church, we need to remain calm and stay firm in the Gospel.

Those who saw the resurrected Christ were some of those raised from the grave in the morning of the First Resurrection. We’ll talk about what Christ did during the 40 days between his crucifixion and resurrection three days later and his ascension.  People like John the Baptist were resurrected when Christ broke the chains of death.  In Jerusalem, there they were testifying of Christ.  Acts 1:1-3;   Acts 20:35.

They knew that something profound had happened.  Jesus and others were resurrected!  Evil people sought to find the saints, but they never could find them.  Christ had been ministering to the people for three years, which we study.  Why not give attention to the 40 days?

The people are now prepared to receive the higher law.  Some things he could not impart to them before his resurrection, as noted by Hugh Nibley. 

The reason we don’t have them in the scriptures is that these sacred things were not meant for the world as a whole.  Turn to Luke 1:1-3  (written by Luke for his friend)  A lot of the information Luke knew came from Mary, mother of Christ.  They were together after Jesus died. 

You can look up the scriptures on your smartphone or computer:

Luke 1:1-3  Where in the scriptures do you ever hear of Theophilus, Luke’s trusted friend? 

During the 40 days, Christ spoke to them about the Kingdom of God.

Luke 24:44-45  These are the thing I spoke to you…  Then opened he their understanding.

Christ gives them total understanding, from the beginning of time.  Where do we read this? 

We find lots of valuable scriptures in the Apocrypha.  See Acts 20:35 to hear Paul speaking to the Saints, reminding them of how they can be healed.   [Handout on what we see in Apocrypha:  see Appendix 2017.05.16]  Lay the foundation by reading John 12:30  Jesus appears to his disciples, through a locked door. He taught them other sacred and secret things, “not written in this book”.

John 21:25  The apostles wrote of the life of Jesus Christ, and then stopped.  They wrote the more sacred things elsewhere, not for the world.

3 Ne 27:22-23  …  write the things ye have seen and heard.   … Do not write.

SCRIPTUREs   …   …   …   3 Ne 26:11-13  Christ gives Mormon ability to utter profound things, but he was forbidden from writing them down.  They were revealed by the spirit of revelation. 

BYU ‘scholars’ have worked and worked and identified 40 books that have been written. Teacher Rynna begins to have us read the material on the handout for today, which pulls out the most important from the 40 books.

We’ll look specifically at the book revelations that deal with the 40 days.   BTW, the number ‘40’ occurs in the Bible 146 times.  Reading on… Have you read this anywhere else? 

The Jews and the Mormon teach about the return of Elijah.  …   The Earth and all of the animals will be resurrected.  The salvation of the dead is a major theme. 

Luke 24:48-49  Tarry in Jerusalem until ye are endowed with POWER from on high [ ! ]

Acts 1:13 They received the endowment, …   including the temple prayer circle.   They had just come down from the Mount of Olives.  Before, women were in the back of the bus, and now they continued with one accord.  Peter stood up and women were in the prayer circle.   There were 120 including Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the other Saints name Mary. 

We’ll see in detail, from the Apocrypha, what happened in those 40 days.    These accounts are often connected to marvelous things of the temple.  They are written in the sacred parts of the Apocrypha.  We’ll break it down and give you references.

Jesus Christ prepared his disciples to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what they were teaching was true.  No matter what would happen, they would have the power of God.

QUESTION:  Have you considered this?  When Moses came down with the higher law, he broke the tablets and they were put in the Arc of the Covenant. There are teachings also from the prophet Joseph Smith.  Jews also believe there are two sets of covenants.  During the 40 days, Christ taught deeper the deeper revelations of the higher law.   

Patriarch Hansen makes another wise and inspired comment which I don’t hear.  “Who were the other people?”  Who do you think were among the 120 in the prayer circle Peter conducted?  The people he healed and Mary Magdalene.

There were 500 more that saw Jesus after he was resurrected, then the Twelve in the upper room.  It is like today.  Remember, remember, remember, it is secret and sacred.  Get your mind around teaching the higher law:  such as baptism for the dead. 

Fitting ‘bookends’ are Christ’s 40-day fast and the 40 days after his Resurrection.
NOTE:  Please review these student notes;  Lynnette and

UPDATE:  President Trump will not seek (at this time) for the USA Embassy to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, so that he can negotiate with both Israel and the Palestinians.

You can refer to his travel plans overseas via the Whitehouse website
>>> …  (Saudi Arabia, Israel, then Vatican City) or the Jerusalem Post:
JaredKushner and Ivanka Trump to join presidential trip to Mideast-Europe

Monday, May 15, 2017

President Trump speaks of God at Liberty U.

This quote/clip was played by Rush Limbaugh today:

In your hearts are inscribed the values of service, sacrifice and devotion. Now you must go forth into the world and turn your hopes and dreams into action. America has always been the land of dreams because America is a nation of true believers. When the pilgrims landed at Plymouth they prayed. When the founders wrote the Declaration of Independence, they invoked our creator four times, because in America we don't worship government we worship God. That is why our elected officials put their hands on the Bible and say, 'So help me God,' as they take the oath of office. It is why our currency proudly declares, 'In God we trust,' and it's why we proudly proclaim that we are one nation under God every time we say the pledge of allegiance.


Monday, May 1, 2017

35 points made by VP Pence at the "Day 100" RALLY

Trump 100-Day Rally   —   Saturday, April 29, 2017:
The comments/timing of VP Mike Pence, really great!

7:38pm “Hellooo, Pennsylvania!”  VP Pence, “It’s great to be back to the Keystone State.”
If the first 100 days has shown us anything, it is that President Donald J. Trump is a man of his word.
7:41pm  President Trump inspires me every day.   There is Fake News, but you know the Truth.
It’s been 100 days of action;   100 days of consequence!     #35. More bills than any in history.
1. Keystone Pipelines;   2. Offshore drilling;  3. Back to energy independence;  4. War on coal is over;

5. Plan for the biggest tax plan in history, across the board, including working families.
6. Trade Deals to favor Americans first.   USA, USA, USA,  …  That’s American leadership.
7. President Trump will not rest until we Repeal and Replace Obamacare with the Affordable AHA.
7:43pm    8. Created 500,000 jobs.  9. Buy American, Hire American, catching on with companies.
10. Small Business are more confident;   11. Heartland of America is more optimistic than last 20yrs!
12. President Trump is doing exactly what he would do;  driving Fake Journalism crazy.
13. Signed more executive orders and legislation than in the last 50 years.
7:44pm  34.Nominated and got appointed the best Cabinet every: Ben Carson, Niki Haley, General “Mad Dog” Mattis.
14. Stood by the Constitution without apology. 15. Keep and bare arms, 2nd Amendment.
16. Neil Gorsuch in the mold of Antonin Scalia;   17. And most important of all, President Trump stands by the men and women in the military;  18.  Stands w/ICE and border patrol.  “Build that WALL,  repeat, repeat.” 19. Illegal border crossings are down 60% this year alone;  20. Building our Military; 21. Give Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force the assets they need to win.  22. Biggest increase in Defense spending since the days of Ronald Reagan;  23. Decisive action to support those that wear the uniform.  24. Veteran world class healthcare;  25. Make the strongest fighting force, even stronger;  26.  With our allies, we are standing up to the enemies;  27. Put Iran on notice;  28. Standing strong from North Korea threats;
7:47pm When the world saw our president’s strong resolve [MOAB] America CREDIBILITY has been restored.  29. ISIS is on the run in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran, and we will not rest until ISIS is destroyed once and for all.   USA, USA, USA,  repeat, repeat, repeat.    [Tears of gratitude in our eyes!]

7:46pm You know, in just 100 days, President Trump has turned America around, and he is just getting started!   30. Under President Trump’s leadership, we will make America safe again;
31. Under President Trump’s leadership, we will make America prosperous again;
32. Under President Trump’s leadership, we will make America safe again;

33. And under President Trump’s leadership, I know in my heart, with your help, and with God’s help, we will make America GREAT again !!!   

7:48pm  So with gratitude for his boundless energy, his optimism, and the LOVE he shows every day for this country and the American people, for these last 100 days and BEYOND, it is my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump!     [Music:  Thank my lucky stars for living here.   Stand up!  God Bless the USA.] 

President Trump's 100-Day Rally

Trump 100-Day Rally   —  Topics mentioned

8pm    Thanks our law enforcement, after a single protestor is tossed. USA, USA, USA.
Stomping on The Olde Gray Lady, rating the Fake News first 100 days, a Failing Grade.
8:04pm  Borders and International Deals;    Climate Accord;  Americans first.
8:07pm   China, President Xi,   and North Korea
8:10pm   a fast and productive 100 day, bring back a great America.

8:11pm   Here are some of our great achievements in the first 100 days.
8:11pm Justice Neil Gorsuch;   Left TPP;     Steel and Aluminum dumping;
8:14pm  Renegotiate, or Terminate [NAFTA, etc.];    Collection at the border;  Hire American.
8:16pm New jobs, including restrictions;  Keystone Pipelines/jobs;  Make cars in the USA.
8:19pm Regulations;  Legislative front (29 new bills);  (including 13 regulations);  Vets. 
8:21pm Lobbyists;  Drain The SWAMP;  Immigration Laws enforced;  The WALL!  “Don’t worry.”
8:24pm HLS John Kelly, reduction at border;  Grieving families, “Not have died in vain.”
8:25pm We need the Wall, as sure as you are standing there.  “Build That Wall, repeat”.
8:26pm Democrats can support the safety or crime in the streets.  Who represents you?
8:27pm Senator Schumer is a bad leader and has to ‘study’ leadership, helps drug dealers.
8:28pm He is leading the Democrat Party to doom, sad to see.   Sanctuary Cities.
8:29pm Last administration was very weak and allowed MS-13 to infiltrate.  Like al-Qaeda.
8:31pm Jeff Sessions to prioritize prosecuting crimes against cops. We have seen overseas.
8:32pm We don’t need to let those in who want to hurt, oppress, and kill us. Keep them out.
8:33pm [The highlight for some lightweights, very meaningful:  the poem, The Snake!]
8:37pm Rebuilding our defenses and great Military;  “Mad Dog” Mattis is doing great;  Gen.Kelly.
8:38pm Destroy ISIS;  Strengthen alliances around the world;
8:40pm NATO partner pay their fair share (we pay more than half). 
8:40pm My Tax Team outlined the biggest Tax Cut in history, even bigger than R.Reagan’s.
8:41pm For middleclass, and lowering corporate tax rate from 35% all the way down to 15%.
8:42pm Repeal and Replace that disaster known as Obamacare—it’s dying, dying, dying. It’s gone!
8:43pm Purchase the HC you want, not what is forced on you by the gov’t: they’ll get it done.
8:44pm Right to bear arms;  end Common Core;  Factories will come back;  Love your country/flag.
8:45pm Other countries will respect America and Americans with the respect they deserve.
8:46pm We are all made by the same almighty God!  Remember these truths and we will never fail.
8:47pm On 100 days of devotion/work: We will make America strong, prosperous, safe, great again!

This RALLY was so fantastic that we don’t want to summarize it!   You have to watch it !!!

Here are some links for your consideration:    ED:  This is a great 4min video of Trump speaking!  It is not a full transcript.

We thank Steve Looker and Liz Willis for their fabulous(!) work!!  They make a handsome couple and have seven hours of the “100 Days” Saturday event/RALLY.  You can move the scroll bar as you desire:
Donate to www.RSBN.TV/donate!  You will be glad you did. “Right-Side TV” is on their blue/white T-shirts. 

Lynnette and I wanted to provide for you some ‘color-commentary’ such as this:  Bob Woodward at the Correspondent’s dinner said, “We are not Fake New!”  To which we note that Trump agrees: they are not Fake News, but rather “They are VERY Fake News!” coining a new term for their treachery.

It was awesome how Trump pounded Media into the ground, especially The New York Times, noting how they sold their amazing building for less than $200million and the buyer sold it for $500million.  They are now in a shabby building in a bad area of town.  Then they bought The Boston Globe for a lot of money, then gave it away for nothing.

The main thing we would note (and remembered by low-info voters/people) was when Trump read the poem, “The Snake”  which applies to allowing ISIS and Illegals into America.  He reads it with dramatic passion and everyone can see Democrat foolishness.

To quote the song/lyrics: On her way to work one morning
Down the path alongside the lake;
A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake.
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew;
"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you!"
   "Take me in oh tender woman;
       Take me in, for heaven's sake.
   Take me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk
And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk
Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she'd taking in had been revived
"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake…

Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried,
"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"
Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight.
But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite.

"Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman, " sighed the snake…

"I saved you," cried that woman!
"And you've bit me even, why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die."
"Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin.
"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in!”

Reading this with such passion and dramatic effect, President Trump know this will have a very lasting impression/image to both scholars and idiots.

 Remember to check this out: