Conservative Books (report/reviews)
We promised to review the new and greatest Newt Gingrich book, Understanding Trump and will now
give you some review comment—more of a report than a review.
In addition, here are comments on
three other books.
David Limbaugh, The True Jesus. In
addition to being a religious book from a devout follower of Jesus Christ, it
is also a book for true American patriots, in the mold of our Founding Fathers,
(that includes their wives and families, all great Americans!)
Another great book, In Trump We Trust — E Pluribus Awesome! by Ann Coulter, is
for Trumpsters.
Our third ‘book report’ is on 50 REASONS TO VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP
by B. D. Cooper.
The True Jesus — Uncovering the DIVINITY of CHRIST in the GOSPELS speaks to the testimony that Jesus Christ is
the son of God, related in the four views of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
As a work of love, you can see the massive mountain of work and
documentation to explain much beyond the mission of Jesus Christ, and into the
culture and interesting background.
Here, you can read an interview with David Limbaugh:
We bought our copy via Amazon Prime, where it is highly rated by many
At the end of the book, David Limbaugh says he is working on his next
Bible compendium as the disciples are sent to spread the Gospel throughout the
world. This goes from the ACTS of the
Apostles to the last book of the Bible, by John the Revelator.
The last 100 pages include NOTES for the bibliography and the instructive
The tome is awesome for truly converted believers, with an added goal to
encourage newbies to open and read the Bible.
He gives a parable at the end of the book, “Not until you open your heart
and let Jesus in will you know what God is like.”
Awesome! is awesomely documented to mainly show how evil media people
have done great disservice to America—they are traitors. Those that were against Donald Trump were
listening to deceptive media. Some
Republicans in the ESTABLISHMENT have been no help, but Donald Trump keeps
Ann Coulter speaks at a higher level and expects the reader to be
intelligent. The book is extremely
entertaining to show the feeble efforts to distract from President Trump. Over and over again, media lies have been
shown to be devious and self-destructive.
Before Donald Trump, Republicans thought we were losing and could never
win—he turned it around. Chapter 12 is
entitled, “So Close! The Plan to Destroy America Was Almost Complete.” It is fun to read the lying media quotes, and
how they proved to only reinforce the rise of Trump. People tried to take Trump’s words and tweets
too literally, in a nitpicking way, and not take Trump seriously as a
negotiator. You could even say it has
been a large rope-a-dope, but who would know? Only the inspired.
In the battle for America, the war for the hearts and minds of people in
the nation, Ann Coulter stands with other stellar warriors with TRUTH. Her book will be remembered as another nail
in the coffin of lying media. It will be
a textbook in colleges and universities since the victors write the history.
You can see patriotic Americans enjoying the wit and intelligence of Ann
Coulter and snowflakes and Liberals feeling the sting. Like when she was to go to UC Berkeley, there
is a great divide. You can see this in
the reader reviews, Liberals coming in, with and without reading it.
We bought our copy via Amazon Prime: 80% rate it very high, and 20% are divisive trolls.
50 Reasons to Support Donald
Trump by B. D. Cooper came out in 2015 and the REASONS, {PROMISES and
PLEDGES} are very interesting to
review. Via Amazon Prime, the price was
right for us to buy ten copies of this excellent little book of 28 pages. There is a paragraph to go with each REASON.
1. Donald Trump is a Champion of the Middle
The middle class is under attack.
The middle class is under attack from all sides. The middle class feels invisible and unheard
by most politicians. Trump hears them.
In March 2015 Trump said, “everybody is hitting the middle class and
something has to happen because we’re not going to have a middle class or the
middle class is going to do something that you and I and nobody else is going
to like and who can blame them? They are
getting decimated.”
In the second Republican debate Trump touched on his new tax plan (yet
to be published at the time of the debate), describing it as a “major reduction
for the middle class.” His plan is all
about “reducing taxes for the middle class.”
He is the candidate to save the middle class.
2. Trump is a job creator.
“I will be the greatest jobs President that God ever
created,” he said. “I’ll bring back our
jobs and I’ll bring back our money.”
This is a claim not to be taken lightly….
3. Trump is a good businessman.
Not only is Trump a businessman, he is a good businessman. Time and time again he has proven himself as
a manager and a business owner….
Even Texas Senator Ted Cruz acknowledges Trump’s
business skills. He said in a statement:
“His experience as a successful businessman and job creator will prove crucial
to ensuring the eventual GOP nominee is not only well-equipped to defeat
Hillary Clinton in November, but also to make America great again.”
4. He will save Social Security.
Although this may go against the views of some social
conservatives, Trump is adamant that America keeps its promises to aging
5. Trump wants to fix the broken mental
healthcare system.
… He advocates for expanding treatment programs….
6. He supports our military.
… “We’re going to make our military so big, so strong
and so great, so powerful that we’re never going to have to use it.” …
7. Trump supports our veterans.
8. He is a strong supporter of guns right.
9. He advocates for a National Right to Carry
10. He will get tough with Iran.
… “… I would police that contract so tough that they
don’t have a chance….”
11. He would repeal Obamacare.
12. Trump wants to rebuild America’s crumbling
13. He is not politically correct, and that’s
good thing!
14. His hair will go with him to the White House.
15. He will build a wall to protect the US
southern border.
Americans need to feel safe within our nation’s
borders and right now many don’t.
Building a wall [on] the US-Mexican border has been the cornerstone of
Trump’s political campaign….
16. He is tough on immigration.
17. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind.
18. He is a DC outsider. [There are significant paragraphs after each of the REASONS.]
19. He will hit ISIS hard.
ISIS is running amuck in the Middle East and threatens
our safety here in the US….
20. He will demand more from Saudi Arabia.
“They make a billion dollars a day…If it weren’t for
us, they wouldn’t be here.” …
21. He supports women’s rights.
22. Trump would ban lobbyists from his
23. He is a bold leader.
24. Trump is the master of making the deal.
25. Donald Trump is stone-cold sober.
26. Trump advocates a beautifully simple tax
27. He has a reasonable stance on same-sex
28. He would renegotiate NAFTA.
29. His stance on Climate Change.
Trump questions whether or not what we do here in the
US really has much of an impact on climate change. Why should we have restrictions in place that
adversely affect our economy if it does not solve the problem? … “I’m a huge
believer in clean air, I’m not a huge believer in the global warming phenomenon…”
30. He will make America great again.
31. He will stand up to China.
32. He will break OPEC’s grip on oil prices.
33. He is not beholden to the establishment.
Not only is Trump a DC outsider, he is not afraid to
push against the Republican
establishment. [In the primary race, he
was a great negotiator with Reince Priebus and the RNC!] He is confident enough to disagree with
GOP. This is good news to everyone who
is tired of politics as usual. He
appeals to Conservatives on many issues but he is not afraid to push against
the party when he disagrees with their policies.
34. He is rich.
He has a net worth somewhere between four and ten
billion dollars. … knowledge can lead
our country out of financial ruin.
35. He is a great orator.
Most people who have seen Trump speak are surprised by
what a great public speaker he is. His
extemporaneous style of speaking in natural and approachable and quickly puts
an audience at ease….
36. He is tough on crime.
Trump will crack down on violent criminals….
37. ‘Donald Trump’ is a world-recognized brand.
He represents the American Dream to the world….
38. He is a Christian.
“I’m a Presbyterian.
And you know I’ve had a good
relationship with the church over the years.
I think religion is a wonderful thing.
I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”
39. Trump plans to tax the rich, including
40. He knows how to deal with the press.
Many Americans are tired of the mainstream media….
41. Trump is a builder.
42. Like the great Ronald Reagan, [he’s great on
43. He could stop Russian expansion.
Right now there is an unofficial cold war between
America and Russia. Politicians don’t
know what to do about Putin. Trump is
not worried about Russia or Putin. In
fact, he and Putin share some similarities.
… When Bill O’Reilly asked Trump
if he could make a deal with Putin to stop Russia’s expansion, Trump replied, “I
would. I would be willing to bet I would have a great
relationship with Putin. It’s about leadership.”
44. He is low risk, high reward.
45. Trump won’t apologize or back down.
46. He will take a tough stance against Mexico.
47. Trump is very confident.
48. He is an incredibly hard worker.
“… those are the kind of people I want working for me.”
49. Trump is likeable.
The Donald is a very likeable guy. He has a charisma that draws people in…. Even
people that disagree with Trump on issues feel he has a likeability that most candidates
lack, [for example, HillBillary.]
50. He could beat Hillary.
Trump is electable, Hillary is not….
51. He might actually win.
UNDERSTANDING TRUMP is the masterpiece by former House Speaker
Newt Gingrich. He not only explains the
beginnings that move to greatness, he explains where to go from here. The back cover has a picture of President
Trump with Newt and Callista Gingrich, “THE FIRST BOOK WRITTEN ABOUT THE WORLD
The front cover is also great: “Inspiring and informative—I highly
recommend it!” writes Sean Hannity.
“This book is dedicated to my wife, Callista, whose insight helped make
this book possible, and whose support helped us get Donald J. Trump elected to
the White House.”
Eric Trump writes the foreword: “When
my father called my family together to confirm that he would run for president,
he said we would quickly learn who our real friends were. . . . He was right.
In a short time, it was clear that Newt Gingrich and his wife, Callista,
were true friends of the Trump family.
When I met Newt, my first impression of him was that he was incredibly
direct—a trait close to our own hearts…”
… “As to my father, there is no
greater man. He is compassionate and caring. He is brilliant and strong. More than anything, he deeply cares about our
great country. He ran on one promise, to
Make America Great Again and he is already on his way!”
WHY THIS BOOK? Newt Gingrich
explains, “It is astonishing to me, as a historian, how the elite media and
much of the political establishment refuse to try to understand Donald
Trump. They have been so rabidly opposed
to him, so ideologically committed to left-wing values, and so terrified of the
future that they haven’t stopped to consider how extraordinary his success has
The 350 page book is in three major sections. Basically, the background leading from Queens
(NYC) to the White House, “It is impossible to understand President Donald J.
Trump without first understanding where he came from. The knowledge he gained from decades of
running a successful, world-spanning business shapes every decision he makes.” He is winning, ‘Big League’!
The personal interactions between Newt Gingrich and Trump are throughout
the book, entertaining and very instructive!
The twenty pictures in the middle of the book, with explanations, are
worth the price of the book.
Parts of the book are:
Part 1:
Understanding Trump
Part 2:
Understanding the Rise of Trump
Part 3:
The four-box model for the Trump
Appendix I:
The Intellectual Yet Idiot (IYI) …
Appendix II:
The Speeches of Donald J. Trump
Part 3 begins, “THE FOUR-BOX MODEL FOR THE TRUMP AGENDA: President Trump will succeed at making
America great again for all Americans if he can keep his policy focus and
organize his efforts. The following
chapters describe a model I’ve suggested to him that could help him strategize
his policy goals. The model includes
four boxes: safety, American competitiveness, health care,
and making government work.
President Trump needs to think about how every single policy he
implements fits in each of those boxes.”