Saturday, April 29, 2017

Remember these Twelve Promises, NOV.2016

100-Day Plan of Action SurveyTop of Form
Ø  Appoint a strong constitutionalist to the Supreme Court in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
Ø  Announce our official withdrawal from the TPP.
Ø  Lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars worth of American energy, including shale, oil, natural gas, and clean coal.
Ø  End all federal funding to sanctuary cities that circumvent the law in order to provide protection to illegal immigrants.
Ø  Begin removing the more than two million criminal illegal immigrants.
Ø  Suspend immigration from regions compromised by terrorism and where vetting cannot safely occur.
Ø  Set the standard for an “America First” foreign policy that ends regime-change, nation-building, and instead focuses on a motto of peace through strength.
Ø  Enact a five-year ban on White House and congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.
Ø  End the defense sequester in order to rebuild our depleted military.
Ø  Pass school-choice measures that redirect education dollars to give parents the right to send their kids to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious, or home school of their choice.
Ø  Reform the Department of Veterans Affairs in order to provide proper treatment to America’s forgotten heroes.
Ø  Let veterans receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice.
Ø  Cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum, and order issued by Obama.

Politico Brian Fitzer  — written on November 24th, 2016,  after the Election
So Neil Gorsuch is added to the Supreme Court  --  plus twelve additional promises.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Hannity interviews Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel

President Trump meets Tues w/Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.

Netanyahu wants Abbas to come to peace with (1) no longer try to kill the Jewish people and annihilate the State of Israel;  (2) Tell the people of Palestine the same thing he tells President Trump, be honest;  (3) Stop teaching children to kill. Stop hatred. (4) stop paying Jihadists and their families based on how many they kill ($300,000,000/yr) out of government funds.
and (5) to reemphasize:  tell your people the same as you say publicly.  WE WANT A JUST PEACE.

The interview-link with Netanyahu is preserved here on our blogspot.
Cut/paste this URL: 

Netanyahu talks dangers posed by nuclear-Iran:  

  • ‘Repeal or replace’?  Netanyahu speaks out against Iran Deal


    Netanyahu:  US Shift in stance on Iran is an important change ! 

  • Netanyahu calls on Palestinian leaders to confront terrorism
  • Here is a link to The Times of Israel 
    Click here=>  Times of Israel article
  • about Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas:  

BIG rally in Pennsylvania, Saturday, April 29th 2017 .!.

@realDonaldTrump     45th President of the United States of America
  • WhiteHouse
  • VP
  • Infinity143

    Friday, April 21, 2017

    Important note to the Jewish Exponent in PA

    Important note to the Jewish Exponent editor from Dr. Robert B. Sklaroff:
    “His View: Republicans Over Democrats”
    Editor-in-chief Joshua Runyan’s recent idealistic essay is, alas, unrealistic because anti-Israel attitudes and actions permeate theDemocratic Party’s leadership and followers (“Valuing Person Over Party,” April 13).
    Note the undeniable Republican-Democrat split when former President Obama allowed the United Nations to declare Jewish habitation of Jerusalem’s Old City to be illegal, thereby empowering the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel; and when he provided a path to fund Iran’s maniacal leaders and their military programs.
    Such party-line discipline by anti-Jewish enablers would previously have been broken by the likes of then-Sens. Henry Jackson, Stuart Symington, Abraham Ribicoff and Herbert Kohl.
    They compare, tragically, with the current crop of Democrats.
    These forces must be reversed before authentic bipartisanship allows those worried about Israel’s survival to vote for any person who aligns with the Democratic Party.
    Robert Sklaroff | Abington, PA
    On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 1:33 AM, robert sklaroff <> wrote:

    Wednesday, April 5, 2017

    The Pepsi 3min ad was really, really great: here is a picture.

    The youngest Kardashian (Kendall Jenner) goes from Blonde to Brunette to give a Pepsi to a cop in Ferguson!

    This should be praised, not criticized.
    It is really a shame that Liberals don't want peace and unity!
    Hopefully, the protest will backfire .!.

    Here is a picture, before Pepsi started forcing people to take down their ad because of Leftist, Liberal pressure.

    Here is a surviving link, for now:

    Monday, April 3, 2017

    LDS General Conference, April 1-2, 2017, SLC

    LDS General Conference, April 1-2, 2017, Saturday and Sunday

    President Henry B. Eyring  (first counselor in the First Presidency)
    Our task in the Eternal Plan of Happiness is to accept Jesus Christ and his atonement by living his commandments, including saving ordinances.  Families are at the heart of this plan—Elijah.

    YM  Joseph Brough    Righteous grandparents.  Accept council from your Bishop. Follow Christ.

    70 Weatherford T. Clayton  Young mothers giving birth. The Plan includes death/resurrection.

    Elder Dale G. Renlund   Treat others like Christ does with disregard to outward appearance.  The Good Shephard heals sin and disease. The Savior offered to heal Israel and ate with sinners. Sin no more.  Persecution comes in other nations.  We must guard against bigotry.  Everyone has the right to express opinions in the public square, and no one has the right to persecute them. Golden Rule—be meek. As with Jesus Christ, show respect for all, and hatred for none. 

    70 Ulisses Soares   Follow the Prophet, like in the Book of Mormon. Trust in God. Escape bondage.

    70 Mark A. Bragg   There is LIGHT/Truth even in the darkest times. Continue and receive more light.  There will always be criticism, but the light of the Church/Gospel/Christ will shine through to the perfect day. We have 155 operating temples (more coming soon) and the home is also holy.  Use armor of Light.
    Heavenly Father is the father of Lights—Jesus Christ is the Light of the world.

    President Russell M. Nelson   Christ warned us of our turbulent times, but we are not alone.  We can draw in godly power.  The Topical Guide has 57 subsections on Jesus Christ—underline passages.
    Print/refer to the “Testimony of Christ” - stretch to Christ beyond anything you have ever done before.

    President Uchtdorf conducted the morning session and President Eyring the afternoon session.

    Elder Robert D. Hales   Discipleship is a state of being: Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, … Charity.   Move forward with patience and temperance.  Be still and know that He is God. What can I learn from this?
    Faith, Hope, and Charity—without Charity you are tinkling brass. All people can be Christ’s disciples.

    Elder Jeffrey R. Holland   Bright sunshine is in my soul, because Jesus is my Light. “Jesus, listening can hear” when days are difficult.  There is diversity in God’s choir, with discipline. Believe in yourself.  There is economic disparity—care for the poor. Help the insane. We need a global chorus, not guns. Love God!  Moroni declared that Jesus Christ is better than war. [Convert Jihadists.]  God will raise us up, better.
    We will sing and shout with the armies of heaven, as Jesus descends in his chariot of fire, to rule/reign.
    70 Gary B. Sabin   Be committed and ‘all in’.  Stand up, come what may, even against those that call good evil, and evil good. We were all in with Heavenly Father’s Plan.  Tired of walking?  Try running.

    70 Valeri V. Cardon   You could lose your native language. Preserve the Gospel also. To preserve the heritage of your native language, it must be taught—same with the Gospel in the home. Scriptures.

    Elder Neil L. Andersen   Overcome the world to be in Christ’s glorious city, with Eternal Life.  Overcoming the world is a private battle.  C.S.Lewis, “Christ says, ‘Give me all—I want you.’” Keep commandments. The Lord guides us to those we can help.  The Gospel brings compassion to different ones. Be wary of distortions.  Elder Bruce Porter loved Russia and served there, finally dying from a failing kidney disease.

    Elder M. Russell Ballard   Have goals and the Vision, for meaning and purpose.   A goal is a destination and a plan is the route to get there. His goal is our Eternal Life and the Plan of Happiness is the plan.  Have goals/plans for church councils and families.  Seek first the righteousness of the Kingdom.  Simplify your goal, for power:  “Return and Receive!”  Because of premortal choices, Satan can neither return nor receive.  All he can do is oppose in rebellion. Social Media and TV can present ugly language/sleaze. These may also involve those who are blinded by the evil of the time.  “How am I doing?”  You know. Keep your “eye single to the glory of God”.  Refer to “The Living Christ” & “Family Proclamation to the World”.  Since we all pass through death, make sure of your goal to receive the blessings promised.   

    For the General Priesthood Session, President Uchtdorf conducted and  President Monson presided.

    President Thomas S. Monson  I’m honored to address the faithful priesthood.  Have Charity, suffering long.  Honor the priesthood by being kind. Have charity, kindness, and love unfeigned. Be like Christ to be able to call down the powers of heaven. I so pray, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

    Elder David A. Bednar   The envelope to call you on a mission changes lives, signed by the prophet. “You are called to serve in the Lord’s true Church.  You are called to labor in the _______ Mission.”  D&C 80.
    The area of service mattereth not as much as the call; reassignments may occur, directed by inspiration.
    Priesthood and temple blessings precede the mission and form a strong life foundation.  Be worthy.
    Each of you is a missionary, now, with friends and neighbors around you.  Share a tweet or message.

    Presiding Bishop Gerald Causse    Young men can serve valiantly.  Use your priesthood to bless others. Look to seniors.   The relation of the Melchizedek Priesthood & Aaronic Priesthood is shown by John the Baptist and Jesus.  Bishops can strengthen the link between the two priesthoods, “I need you.” 

    President Uchtdorf    Sustains and loves President Monson.  Spoke of Madrid Spain Temple dedication.   Disciples James and John were the ‘sons of thunder’ and wanted to call down fire from heaven onto a town in Samaria. The greatest among you shall be the servant.  The Lord loves all respective of political orientation or nationality, and so should we.  Look for ways to help, and stay humble, directed by God.
    Callings open opportunities including secret acts of kindness. Your current calling is the most important.

    President Eyring    Is my service acceptable?  With His help, you may achieve. The priesthood can defy the armies of nations, Etc. The Heavens can be opened to you.  Bring the power of godliness into the lives of those you serve. Enoch established Zion, surrounded by wicked nations; walked with God.

    Women’s & Pictures of all the speakers:
    Bonnie Cordon   Trust in the Lord and Lean Not;   Carol McConkie   The Beauty of Holiness
    Linda K Burton   Certain Women;       Henry B. Eyring   “My Peace I Leave with You”

    The most important message Saturday was from the Prophet, echoed by other general authorities:
    LDS Church leaders counseled Mormons to avoid the human tendency to be judgmental and asked them to guard against bigotry, being hateful or being guilty of persecuting others. Instead, they must reach out to others with compassion and love.

    The Mormon Tabernacle Choir opened the second and final day of the 187th annual conference. 
    The LDS Church was founded April 6th, 1830 and had their first annual conference in NY in 1831.
    President Thomas S. Monson   Five new temples, one in Idaho and one in Utah.  A strong testimony of Jesus Christ will see us through difficulties.  The Book of Mormon is true and the testimony of others will carry you only so far.  Resist temptation and overcome fear and doubt. 

    Joy D. Jones   Children understand their divine destiny, but are under attack from sin.  Parents and grandparents can fortify them, especially parents. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.  

    70 Yoon Choi   Joined in Korea and their family brought into the Church 130 others, plus 32 generations.
    Look up to Jesus Christ and not to imperfect members around you. Obedience brings Heaven’s blessings.

    Elder Ronald A. Rasband   The Holy Ghost is important in our lives, to give strength and direction.  Keep the longer perspective, as opposed to day-to-day living.  Be confident in first promptings of the Spirit.
    We are grateful for our first responders. Become spiritual first responders. Pay attention to promptings.

    70 L. Whitney Clayton   “Whatsoever he tells you, do it”, said Mary the mother of Jesus to servants.     
    The Lord has perfect timing after we have proven our willingness to do.

    Elder Dallin H. Oaks    Understanding the true nature of Father and Christ is the key to everything.
    The Holy Ghost helps us distinguish between truth and error, and helps to guide our lives.

    President Uchtdorf   We are a united worldwide church lead by Jesus Christ.  A great spiritual awakening spread in America in the 1830s. Fiery sermons tried to scare people into church, same with politicians. Do we fall for manipulation?  Do we use fear?  Or is there a better way?  The influence of fear is temporary and doesn’t change lives.  It can be either secular or religious to demand compliance to random rules.  The end does not justify the means.  Keep love, joy, peace, love and temperance. God wants us to grab the Iron Rod of the Gospel and change our lives on the way to Happiness.   God sent his only begotten son to show us the way.  Jesus Christ is our mentor and only hope.  Satan wants us to exaggerate the evil in the world. Yes, there is suffering due to man’s inhumanity.  In spite of all of this, I would not trade living in this time of unparalleled prosperity and enlightenment.  We know how to avoid dangers or deal with them. Father has never-ending love for all of his children.  Find reasons to rejoice. “Be not afraid, be of good cheer—fear not, little flock.”  We are his little flock.  Let us serve God and love our fellow man, never looking down on any other religion or people. Know the signs of the times. We should not burden ourselves or others with fear, rather trust in God, and prepare for Christ’s return.  “The Lord will fight for you, and you can hold your peace.”  No weapon against thee will prosper.  Can we keep our promises even with tribulation?  Of course we can!  The Lord is with us.  The pure love of Christ is the antidote to fear, bullying, and distress. Be kind, forgiving, and dedicated to Christ.  God knows you perfectly and loves you perfectly.  Abide in his love.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

    .Elder Todd Christofferson   Ezekiel was carried captive into Babylon in 597 B.C. There is no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather God wants them to turn to righteousness. Share the Message with urgency and humble love. Tell of the JOY of walking in the Light.  In a shame-culture, moral life is built on exclusion and inclusion with the shifting judging of the crowd. People feel compelled to go along.  We cannot see the sword coming to our door and not blow the trumpet.  There is a disservice in staying silent.  Stop feigning neutrality and stand for principles like marriage. We are accountable for choices.
    Have the love of God always in your hearts that ye may be lifted up in the last day. 

    70  Joaquin Costa   Fell in love with a girl, who said, “No”, until he joined the Church and could be married in the temple. Missionaries give up important years of their lives, only for you: Peace & Joy.
    Read Alma 42 and substitute your own name. “Thank you, Elder Cutler for opening my eyes.”

    70  Mark Palmer   “Then Jesus beholding him, loved him”, and asked even more.  Mark Ch.10.

    Elder Gary Stevenson   The Gift of the Holy Ghost comes from the laying on of hands by priesthood.
    The Holy Ghost fills the role of bearing witness of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.  Listen to the small voice.

    70  Scott Grow   Understand you identity as a child of God.  As you pray, you come to know God.  Study the scriptures, individually and as a family.  Recognize the voice of the Spirit and come to know God. Knowing God is the Quest of a lifetime.  Follow righteous mentors to know God and inherit Eternal Life.

    70  Benjamin De Hoyo   From the Sermon on the Mount:  Let your Light shine to the world. “For thus shall my Church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Let the light shine forth.”  We believe that God will yet reveal many and great things for the Kingdom of God.

    Elder Quinton L. Cook   This has been a magnificent conference, building faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ.  Physical, Mental, and Spiritual development have much in common. There are years of practice.  Build on the baby steps, always improving. Know that 1. Jesus Christ is divine;  2. Book of Mormon is true;  and 3. Joseph Smith was a modern-day prophet.  Faith is power beyond our ability to comprehend.  Panic came to Church members in the economic 1837 crisis. No one lost more than Joseph Smith.  They benefited from the Kirtland challenges and gained a foundation of faith and strength.  Do likewise.

    75 inspiration pictures to go with 75 inspired thoughts:
