Monday, August 28, 2017

RCS Reflection on The Great American ECLIPSE, 2017

Richard Shipp teaches that everything in nature testifies of Christ, death/resurrection/Plan.

He writes:  What an impressive CES+LSS Family experience. An amazing amount of planning and execution. Compliments to all.

These are what create the Memories of Life that you will carry throughout life. How Great Is That!

I am impressed with the bonding and love that was evident and developed within your family. Families can be Forever, with love, being worthy, and with the priesthood ordinances provided by the God of us all.

I believe a Total Eclipse is (2) a warning and call to repentance; (3) a demonstration of the power of God; (4) a reminder that we are dependent upon the Light of Christ for all we have on this planet; (5) a time we can feel profound gratitude for our lives; (6) a demonstration of what would happen to us if we were cut off from the power/light of God; (7) a small taste of what it would be like to face a Black Hole if we were cast out into outer darkness after the Final Judgment; (8) a time of deep reflection on our blessings and what we want out of life, and in eternity; (9) a time of commitment to do the Lord's Will; (10) a prelude to the spiritual darkness that will envelop the world in the Last Days prior to the Second Coming; (11) a symbol that even in the darkest of times, Christ can be with us through the Light of Christ (represented by the Corona); (12) a testimony—finally and paramount—that The Son Will Return!

God bless us all to learn these lessons and know with a testimony, that these symbols and lessons are real and true. That life is real; that our choices are real; and the consequences will also be real.

The Eclipse is more than just a "naturally occurring phenomenon of nature," it brings to a point in time all these messages for our consideration and lesson. I pray we will all learn the lessons intended. As this Eclipse passed dramatically across the United States, many cheered—not discerning that it is a call to the Nation and all the citizens to repent and turn  to the God of Heaven, who placed this sign for all to see, as Judgment awaits—foreseen and prophesied by the Latter-day Prophets: a judgment so intense that we are told the Saints will pray day and night for deliverance, for Christ to come, and the Kingdom to be restored.

We can prepare now.

Love to All,
Brother, Uncle, and Great Uncle Richard

p.s. Thank you for the great photos!  

ED: “…but the end is not yet.…”  Jesus Christ to his Apostles (and to the world/Saints in the latter-days).
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
29 ¶ Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Trump’s Focus on the New Tax Code

President Trump can focus on Tax Reform
Become the president focused singly on the new tax code till Thanksgiving.

With the Economy and Infrastructure in the waiting wing, Newt Gingrich was the first we heard mention getting the tax code adjusted before Thanksgiving.  How hard is it to say the corporate rate is now 15% with a pass-through for small business?  There are details that could take till Thanksgiving for the Republican Majority.  This would unleash the USA Economy!!!

Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Newt, and many others want Donald J. Trump to be the "president of tax reform".  Focus on negotiating details and succeed before Thanksgiving.  Delegate to others the important issues facing America and make sure TAX RELIEF happens before Thanksgiving.

President Trump says it needs to be done with simple majorities, not super-majorities.

Let Ivanka Handle the Social Issues

       ★  Ivanka Can Handle Social Issues   
Tweeting and fighting Liberals on social issues can be handled by Ivanka.

We believe Hope Hicks, new communications director, and others in the inner circle are providing ideas and verbiage for major Tweets, refined by President Trump.  As President Trump works singly for the Tax Cut, Ivanka and others can pick up the Tweeting-battle. Of course, there are other legislative issues that Ivanka is promoting.

Progressive-Liberals are in such a poor political position, anyone can win against them.  Ivanka is smarter and more able than all of the other side combined.  Other women in the Trump Administration are extremely capable also.  Look at Nikki Halley our ambassador to the UN. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

ECLIPSE Follow-up and Beyond

ECLIPSE Follow-up and Moving On
Did you learn anything?  Did you feel anything??  Did you resolve anything???

Executive Summary
1.       Science
2.       National Movement
3.       Deeper Religious Significance
4.       The Future of the Universe

1.  The Science of the Total Solar Eclipse
There are several areas of interest in the science of the Eclipse.  Understand the sun, the earth, and the universe.  Understand the motion of the sun, earth, moon, and stars:  this is called ‘celestial mechanics’. 

Think of the plane of the planets revolving around the sun, looking down such that the planets move around the sun in counterclockwise direction.  The Earth rotates in a counterclockwise direction, and the moon revolves around the Earth in a counterclockwise direction. 

ECLIPSE:  ‘Lynnette’s Observation’ coining a new term, if it is new:  Looking down on the solar plane, the Earth rotates counter-clockwise and the East coast sees the sun three hours before the West coast.  Hence, you expect  the ‘path of totality’ to move from East to West, as the Earth rotates.  This is how it will be in seven years moving from Maine to Texas in 2024. However, as you know, it went from Oregon to SC here in 2017.   Lynnette observes the ‘solar solstice’ is half way between April 8 and August 21.

ECLIPSE:  ‘Charlie’s Observation’  We wanted to ‘lead the pack’ coming up from Utah to Idaho Falls and so started driving at 4:48am. Crossing the border before sunrise, still dark, we observed the crescent moon (just a sliver) with tips at 5 and 10 on the face of the moon.  The left tip pointed directly at the morning planet/star and I thought of the Islamic symbol.  I’m sure you saw this too.  This was the day before ECLIPSE, on August 20th. After totality on August 21st, we could see the planets Venus to the upper-right and Jupiter at lower-left.

2.  The Nation coming together in observance
With all the coverage by all media, the nation found relief from the hate from Democrats and associated hate groups.  Even the Trump distractors jumped onboard for the nation to come together.  Those in the path of totality were blessed, and many drove to join them.  Many made it a family event since it is so rare to have a solar eclipse covering all of America.

3.  The Deeper Religious Meaning
Here are some words believed by both the Jewish community and the Christian community, from Genesis on the Creation:  Genesis Chapter One, Verses 14-16
14 ¶ And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the nighthe made the stars also

4.  The Future of Mankind/Earth/Universe
The Creator is in control and the timeline is set.  With the Second Coming, mankind, the human family, moves to the next part of Eternity.  Also, the Earth moves from its orbit, closer to Kolob.  We can ponder and discuss this further.  “Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life: …”

Trump and total Victory in war

Trump and Victory—just a detail

Will people never learn?  Over and over, the most inspired among us (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, plus others) have said to take Trump seriously, not literally.

“Take The Donald SERIOUSLY, not literally!

But, as Rush Limbaugh has emphasized, “Progressive-Liberal-Democrats have no sense of satire and good humor.  Especially, they cannot take a joke about themselves.”  Progressives are so hateful after losing to an outsider, it only drives them more nutty and mind-boggling insane.

So getting to the Oval Office, President Donald J. Trump reassessed pulling our special forces and other military advisors from Afghanistan, as he ‘promised’ in the Campaign. This is an example of knowing to take Trump SERIOUSLY, not LITERALLY.

                     รจ It’s just a detail. รง

President Trump will order his generals to pull them out
       as he promised
but after pounding ISIS into the ground in TOTAL VICTORY.

It’s just a detail to be taken SERIOUSLY/not-LITERALLY. 

               LEARN IT;   LIVE IT;    LOVE IT!    

PS:  The more Liberals kick and scream, the more Trump can be vintage Trump to kick them back even harder, “Evil Fake-News!  Bad, very bad!” He then adds what great advances are being made on the Trump Agenda, like with Neil Gorsuch!

When ISIS is at the door, you are not serious if you are not using strong language.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Prophecy Observations: 2017 Eclipse and 2024 Eclipse

Biblical Prophecies and the 2017 Eclipse
  “PROPHECY is unfolding: Solar Eclipse! Revelations 12! These are Biblical signs, that GOD has designed to warn the Nations! It is time to prepare spiritually and physically, for rapidly changing times! As in the Days of Noah, so will be the coming of Jesus the Christ!” 

Here are other YouTube titles which you can find with a Google-search:

“What will happen 23rd of September 2017?”   The ‘System’ is coming!

August 21st and September 23rd Biblical Signs Are Being Fulfilled: Revelations 12.

“Those who can’t see the Eclipse should see the LIGHT”

“Why they removed the Book of Enoch”

“Planet X Nibiru!!  Prepare now.  Ex-Navy Intelligence Share All” 

ECLIPSE:  ‘Lynnette’s Observation’ coining a new term, if it is new:
Looking down on the solar plane, the Earth rotates counter-clockwise and
the East coast sees the sun three hours before the West coast.  Hence,
you expect  the ‘path of totality’ to move from East to West, as the Earth
rotates.  This is how it will be in seven years moving from Maine to Texas
in 2024. However, as you know, it went from Oregon to SC here in 2017.
Lynnette observes the ‘summer solstice’ is half way between April 8 

ECLIPSE:  ‘Charlie’s Observation’  We wanted to ‘lead the pack’ coming up
from Utah to Idaho Falls and so started driving at 4:48am. Crossing the border
before sunrise, still dark, we observed the crescent moon (just a sliver) with tips
at 5 and 10 on the face of the moon.  The left tip pointed directly at the morning
planet/star and I thought of the Islamic symbol.  I’m sure you saw this too.
This was the day before ECLIPSE, on August 20th. After totality on August 21st,
we could see the planets Venus to the upper-right and Jupiter at lower-left.

CONCLUSION:  All things testify of the Creator.  Prayer reveals Truth. 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

ECLIPSE 2017 in Idaho Falls

Fun Facts from Get Eclipsed by Pat & Fred Espenak

A total solar eclipse is the only time the Sun’s faint corona is visible from Earth. [ED: As the temperature of matter rises, it can go from solid, to liquid, to gas, to plasma, notes Norman.]

Planets and stars can be seen in the daytime with the naked eye during a total eclipse.

In 1973, a supersonic airplane flew in the Moon’s shadow during an eclipse.  This extended totality to those on board to 72 minutes as the airplane kept pace with the shadow. [ED: Ponder the ellipse of the total eclipse speeding across America. It's a 70-mi-wide CIRCLE.]

On June 16, 1806, in Cooperstown, New York, convicted criminal, Stephen Arnold, was taken out of his windowless cell in shackles to view an eclipse. [Will that happen in 2017?]

 Fewer than 1 person in 1,000 has ever seen totality.  Remember this opportunity!

The glowing halo surrounding the Sun during a total eclipse is called the solar corona.  It is the Sun’s outer atmosphere consisting of a super-hot, two-million-degree, plasma.

Emperor Louis of Bavaria witnessed a total solar eclipse on May 5, 840.  He was so terrified by the event that he died shortly afterwards.  A quarrel between his three sons over Louis’ succession led to the Treaty of Verdun, dividing Europe into France, Germany, and Italy. [Google Verdun dividing Europe 840 AD]

During the total solar eclipse in 1878, the American inventor Thomas Edison observed the eclipse from a chicken coop.  He used a new invention, the tasimeter, in a failed attempt to measure the temperature of the Sun’s corona. [Google-search 'tasimeter']

The last time totality occurred anywhere in the 48 continental states was on February 26, 1979, nearly 40 years ago.  Where were you 40 years ago?  What about your family?

Everyone in the U.S. (including Alaska and Hawaii) will see some part of the Sun eclipsed by the Moon on August 21, 2017 (Monday midday).

It takes just 90 minutes for the Moon’s shadow to cross the United States from Oregon to South Carolina, 2,300 miles. Look at the map below.

The average speed of the Moon’s shadow as it crosses the United States is nearly 1,700 miles an hour.  This is three times faster than a supersonic jet.  Hence, a supersonic jet can stay in the shadow but for 75 minutes as they both speed along the path of totality.

To see the 2017 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE you must be inside the narrow path of the Moon’s dark shadow, the umbra.  This path of totality will cross parts of 12 states:  Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

NOTE:  Some of the text has been enhanced and some wording improved, hopefully.

View Pat and Fred's book via Google-search [“Get Eclipsed” by Espenak]

For ward-mission-leaders, tell your Golden Contacts that they can INCREASE THEIR FAITH IN THE CREATOR by pondering and praying about the precision of the Creation.  Somewhere on Earth, an awesome TOTAL ECLIPSE will occur every 12 to 18 months.  Isn't that amazing???  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ (they are one in purpose) LOVE THEIR CHILDREN.
Ref:  ... "The Glory of God is INTELLIGENCE!"

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Palos Verdes Stake of Zion seminary class and student discussion.

There are problems with missile-shooting North Korea.  Of their $3billion budget, the UN sanction removes $1billion.   China felt that the last launch was a wakeup call.  Kim Jong Un hunkers down and moves missiles onto ships to threaten USA.  “Fire & Fury”, replies Trump.   (Reminiscent of “Shock and Awe!”)

In a shootout, China doesn’t want all the North Koreans fleeing into China.   South Korea and Japan are also in the mix.  The little nut truly believes he can hold the world hostage. Nothing is easy there since the Norks could statistically hit neighbors first.  

American troops are going to Lebanon to stand with Muslims to fight against terror.  They will provide training to Lebanese troops who are joined at the hips with Hezbollah. Google-search the [ unholy alliance ] of Russia, Iran, and Jihadists. Only the Lord can sort this one out.

God allows the nations to chasten themselves so they will turn to him.  Some of it could resolve correctly just like the Berlin Wall came down so quickly.   We can no longer live in our bubble and need to be aware.  Mighty prayer is needed!

Saudi Arabia has a new prince aged 31 years old.  He wants tourists to come to a new resort on their coast. Their mandatory Sharia dress code would be problematic, but for an exception.

Understand the importance of the foundation stone (discussed last time).  The Book of Moses and the Book of Abraham are in the Pearl of Great Price, and are nowhere else.  Parts of them are in Jubalee-1 and Jubalee-2.  In the Garden of Eden, Heavenly Father presided.  After Adam and Eve were cast out, Jehovah Jesus Christ presided. 

The first time Moses encountered the great Jehovah was at the burning bush on Mt Sinai.  The world sees that Moses was empowered to lead a nation out of Egypt.  The Bible shows that Moses received the higher law in his second ascension.   This was the New and Everlasting Covenant. 

The Israelites had Aaron caste a golden calf so Moses broke the tablets of the higher law. He  comes down the second time with the lesser law, the Ten Commandments.  The pieces were collected and placed in the Ark of the Covenant.  Only the LDS and Jewish faith believe this.

The Jewish people believe they will be given the higher law when Messiah comes. 

When prophets ascend to a mount, like Ensign Peak in SLC, it is also holy ground.   God has us build temples so that He can dwell among men.  We feel his presence and glory. 

Hugh Nibley teaches that the word ‘temple’ comes from ‘templum’ or measuring instrument and measuring point or sacred crossing point. The compass keeps you on the right path, aligned with heaven, as a conduit.  That is where we get our universal bearing.

Why is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem so important?   Israel is a holy spot on Earth.  The rock under the Dome is thought to be the holiest of the holy.  Understand these concepts to understand the Book of Abraham.  [There are pictures and a National Geographic map of everything centered around the stone under the Dome of the Rock.]  The dome is to conceal the rock, placed by the Islamic/Muslim faith. In this little tiny room is symbolized the Ark of the Covenant and the altar for sacrificial lambs.

The Temple of Zerubbabel is a temporary temple until the Third Temple is built. 
David conquered Jerusalem and put the Ark of the Covenant in this foundation.

Herod was married to a Jewish woman and wanted to have a grand temple so built one in the same spot as the ruined Solomon Temple.   During the time of Christ, the blood of sacrificial lambs were put on the rock.  The Babylonians destroy the temple.  The Muslims come in and build a dome over the rock, claiming that Mohammad rose to heaven from there.

Mount Moriah is the name given to the land between the Kidron Valley and the Tyropoeon Valley on which Jerusalem is built.  From there you can see all over the valley and became a fortress for David to defend Jerusalem.  It is holy city.  The foundation stone is at the highest point.  Actually, topography has changed over the years, and the Dome of the Rock is not at the highest point.

When David first entered Jerusalem, he did not have the Ark, it was in Shiloh.  David built the City of God, Jerusalem, on the long Mount Moriah.  He paid for the threshing field and makes an offering.  Naomi sent Ruth to Boaz so he could take care of her at the threshing field.

From ancient Jewish scripture, the Talmud, we see that Abraham was commanded to offer Isaac in sacrifice up and on the rock.  Muslims believe that Abraham took Ishmael up as the eldest son (of Abraham’s wife’s handmaid.)  This is also the rock where Jacob saw the ladder going to Heaven.  It’s always been the holy alter of God.  It is the spot of threshing, the spot of sacrifice, the spot of redemption, and the spot of the temple.  Everything holy takes place there.  The Ark of the Covenant is moved by David from Shiloh  to this spot. 

So where is the Foundation Stone, really?  That is where the Temple needs to be built.  Jesus is the Lamb of God, and entered Herod’s Temple at the sheep’s gate.  Beyond north is Golgotha.

An archeologist claims that where Christ gave his ultimate blood sacrifice is where the rock resides.  Some LDS ancient scholars like Dr Hugh Nibley agree with this.  This is also on Mount Moriah. Hence, you see that Herod’s Temple was not built over the foundation rock.  All of the sacrifices were north of the temple, testifying of Jesus Christ. (The highest point shifted.)

Herod wanted to extend the temple and so created a large landfill.  The sacrifice that Christ gave us had to be somewhere else—hence to the north.  The Jews will never build the Third Temple in the proper place because they don’t know. 

“Upon it lying the stone from which the foundation was hewn … Who gives ear from which the waters flow … from which flow all of the waters of the world.”  Christ is the living water.

When Jesus was crucified, there was a great earthquake.  The fissure/crack on the earth had the blood, going to the foundation stone.  It landed on the mercy seat marking the covenant.

Jesus Christ would not make his Sacrifice in just a random spot, but rather the most holy spot. The God of Heaven will have the final temple where he wants.

NOTE:  Please review these student notes.                  
Lynnette and
[Any errors are ours, not Teacher-Rynna's!]

Here are additional comments and discussion from Dr. Robert B. Sklaroff
You can contact him at 

We have synthesized the essence of what's happening in the Middle East

"God speaks to Moses and charges him with the responsibility of saving the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt."
[This was my parsha when Bar Mitzvah'ed on 3/21/1964.]

Commentary supports Sinai link.

"Moses descends Sinai not once but eight times, and more and more laws keep coming all the time."

"The Jewish people believe they will be given the higher law when Messiah comes.[controversial, depending upon movement]

"Temple – The name for this area on the side of the skull comes from the Latin word for time, tempus."

"...long history of mosque-building following Muslim military victories"

"The Jewish people believe they will be given the higher law when Messiah comes."
{controversial, depends upon movement}

"Temple – The name for this area on the side of the skull comes from the Latin word for time, tempus."

"The Muslims come in and build a dome over the rock, claiming that Mohammad rose to heaven from there."
[I was there; the Dome is NORTH of where Mohammed rose to heaven.] "Muslims believe that Muhammad was transported from the Sacred Mosquein Mecca to al-Aqsa...."

Friday, August 4, 2017

Brilliant Sunset Health Tips

Walking at Sunset, with its many health revelations

Did you see the brilliantly-colored sun set last evening?  Such AMAZING colors and sunrays.  Lynnette and I walk at sunset here in Southern California, the sun setting into the Pacific Ocean at 7:45pm.  We don’t see the ocean from our neighborhood, but we see the sunsets, and sunrises. “Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.  Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.”  With water vaper in the clouds it was amazing last evening, and we were delighted.  (Lynnette and Charlie Shipp in the Harbor Ward became Bro/Sister Shipp in the Pacific Ward, Palos Verdes CA Stake of Zion) as our Father Edwin Carl Shipp used to say, RIP.  If you try hard enough, you can view our familly tree, and your own family tree:  [ /tree ]

And if you think sunsets are amazing, wait till you see the "Great American Eclipse 2017" in the daytime of August 21st. Worship and revere the Creator.

Executive Summary OUTLINE:   Introduction;   body w/stories;   summary-conclusions !
1.   History of earning with health companies
2.   And the products that are most impressive and important
3.   The story of world record in indoor rowing by Frank VanderSloot
4.   The story of the VanderSloot family:  Trent VanderSloot is the CEO apparent.
5.   What it means to you and your continuing health and longevity   .!.

Brain Storming    (to be arranged into an OUTLINE and First Draft)
Frank VanderSloot and his son are amazing, on our eList. You may remember him.
Several items of health, broken down into overlapping categories:  
Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Rest and Relaxation (R&R), Positive Emotions/Social.
Reasons for essential oil, minerals, trace elements, products of Melaleuca
Frank VanderSloot and his championship performances.
Some of our daily activity, starting with drops and trampoline.
The difference between Western thought and Eastern thought.  

Conclusion:  Ask yourself why brilliant and inspired people are divided(?)
Why do some only trust the CDC/FDA?  Why do some trust God instead?

We'll write more about the Great American Eclipse 2017:

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Rynna TEACHER, AUGUST 1st 2017

  (Palos Verdes Stake of Zion)
We thank Dr. Robert B. Sklaroff for filling in what we don't know and are learning of Israel.
His updates are marked in green and yellow.

Everyone is pleased to be back from a summer break in July.  We move into studying the Pearl of Great Price and related subjects to do with Moses and Israel at the time of Abraham.
         {PGP abbreviates Pearl of Great Price.}


Israel has sovereignty over Temple Mount even though Jordanians have their police force there also.  The Muslims from Jordan are there as peacekeepers.  For 13 days, Muslims imposed a ban on themselves to not go to Temple Mount.
{The backstory as to how the current situation developed is summarized in an essay that notes the Jordanians were provided immediate control DURING the Six Day War in 1967.

Now, they have metal detectors and cameras and the Islam/Muslims freaked out, “Get those out!”  Then they rioted.  Their Muslim leaders told them to stay off Temple Mount in protest.  The violence has become awful because of cameras and metal detectors on the Muslim side.
The whole Temple Mount has been closed, with Netanyahu saying it will open, but ‘we will leave the cameras and cameras up.’  Later, he says he responds to public feeling (and the threat of talks ending) and removes the metal detectors and cameras on July 27th.  There is new technology that can detect weapons with advanced cameras (to be installed in six months).
{The backstory as to how the current situation (temporarily) resolved is noted in two articles, one which notes how the crisis in Amman concomitantly developed... one which notes how it cooled, after embassy personnel were permitted to evacuate...

Jewish leaders see it as prophesy, as they all go up to Temple Mount to pray. They have prepared and expect to see the building the third temple on this location. 
{Jews aren't permitted to pray on the Temple Mount and only a few envision [re]building a new Temple on that site.}

The ninth day of August is the last day of the Jewish holiday, commemorating the destruction of ancient temples of Solomon and Herod. 
{The First Temple was built by Solomon, but destroyed by the Babylonians; the Second Temple was built under the Babylonians (Cyrus/Darius) and reconstructed by the Romans (Herod), but destroyed by the Romans (Titus). 

Tisha B’Av is celebrated with fasting and prayer.
The religious Jewish people feel that Netanyahu let them down by yielding to public pressure.  They are willing to wait six months to see if security measures return. For the first time in 2,000 years Jewish and Christian people can go up to Temple Mount and pray freely.   This is their holiest site in the world.  The enlightenment of time comes though the darkest of times.
{I would posit that Bethlehem and the  Church of the Holy Sepulchre are the holiest sites in Christendom; this (and the Western Wall) is most-definitely the holiest in Judaism.} 

UNESCO renamed the Western Wall, giving it a Muslim name, ‘maral morocco’.  It gives the Islam/Muslim state a religious monopoly with the Jewish people having no claim.  This is sad because the Temple Mount is for the entire world.  It will only get worse.

Jewish people feel they were given a ‘window of time’ to fulfill prophesy. Only the Conon priests (descendants of Aaron, tribe of Leviticus) are being trained.  According to Jewish Law only the priests should be allowed to remove the dead and cleanse the holy ground at Temple Mount.  The murdered were removed, but Temple Mount will now be cleansed by Jewish ritual.
{The Kohanim (priests) were Levites, with much of their ritual detailed in the book of Leviticus; myriad ways of spelling this word (including "Cohn" which was my mother's maiden name) depict descendants of these descendants of Aaron.} 

In the latter days, before the coming of Messiah, this ritual was predicted to be restored.  Here it is:  one more prophesy being fulfilled. The robes, incense, procedures are complicated, now in place. Artifacts are ready to go into the new temple. 
{It is highly unlikely that this will soon transpire, noting interim events....}

There are two buildings up there:  the Dome of the Rock, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.  The reason they go to the Western Wall to pray is because that wall was the closest to the Holy of Holies, and that wall was the only wall to the temple that was left.
{Only 10% of the Wall is exposed (on the southern end), with the other 90% being underground; it has been excavated so that visitors (including myself, a decade ago) can walk its entire length (and emerge in the Arab Quarter, to be escorted back to the Kotel by armed-guards).}

God tested Abraham, telling him to sacrifice Isaac on that mount, and so Christians and Jewish faithful look to Temple Mount as a holy place.  Mohammad ascended to heaven from there.
{The Akedah on Mount Moriah was interrupted, but not before Judaism was born; Mohammed ascended from the Al-Aksa Mosque in the southern end, but it's not mentioned in the Qur'an.}

For the first time in 100 years, Bible study has returned to the White House cabinet.  Attribute Mike Pence who really loves the Lord.  Cabinet sessions begin with prayer.

This hour begins our study of the 60 pages of the Pearl of Great Price.  Matthew 13:45-46 says the Kingdom of Heaven is like a pearl found in a field. When one found it, he sold all that he had to obtain the pearl of great price.  Franklin D. Richards was a mission president in England and needed material to teach the new Saints. 

In 1851, Franklin D. Richards was mission president in England when they were seeing great growth.  He collected material and named the compilation, “The Pearl of Great Price”.

Have you considered why Moses needed Aaron?  ‘Slow of speech’ in Hebrew means that he could not speak ‘properly’, not that he had a speech impediment.   Moses was raised in the language of the Egyptian, not Hebrew.  In the Jewish Talmud …[we learn more, later.]

We read the Prelude.  … These items were divinely received, translated and produced by the Prophet Joseph Smith, and most were published in the Church periodicals of his day. It was an effort to reach people, including the new members in England, 2,000 people at a time.

Current contents of the Pearl of Great Price, now accepted as scripture, have been reduced from 20 items to the following five items.  Some of the original 20 were moved into the Doctrine and Covenants, also in the LDS cannon of scriptures:  (Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price.)
1.       Selections from the Book of Moses
2.      The Book of Abraham
3.      Testimony of Matthew, Inspired Translation by Joseph Smith
4.      Excerpts from Joseph Smith’s official testimony and history
5.       The Articles of Faith of the LDS Church, (written to owner/editor of Chicago newspaper)

There are amazing reasons to study the Pearl of Great Price.  We find out inspiration and revelation not found anywhere else, not in the Bible and not in the Book of Mormon.  We find out more about premortal life.  Christ volunteered to fulfill Father’s need for a Savior.  The Book of Enoch is also included in the Pearl of Great Price, and ‘Man of Holiness’ is Heavenly Father, and ‘Son of Man of Holiness’’ is not fully written or spoken because it is so sacred.

A favorite scripture of all time is Moses 1:39  “This is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”   That would be us. Everything on this Earth is for His work and His glory.  He is in charge.  That is the reason this earth and entire universe was created.

He loves us so much.   All mankind can be saved in the Kingdom of God by accepting/obeying.

The Book of Moses consists of two things:  (1) A direct revelation to Joseph Smith.  God told him to rewrite the Book of Genesis because precious words were lost.   As he begins the task, he has a revelation and vision had by Moses. (2) We have the translation in addition. They are two different things.  

There is an apocryphal book that has Moses information but was not available at the time:  Jubilees-1.  Focus on this:  Moses had a vision, given to Joseph Smith also.  From Jubilees we learn about the burning bush, God speaking to Moses, “Remove thy shoes from thy feet because thou are on holy ground.”  The mountain was their temple for their time.
Between 1947 and 1956 approximately 15 Jubilees scrolls were found in five caves at Qumran, all written in Hebrew”  

Between the burning bush and the Exodus, there was another meeting and vision.  This vision was about the inhabitants of all the earth.  That makes sense, before the exodus. This is what we will be studying:  God gave Moses knowledge and power before leading a nation out of Egypt. 

All the great prophets, even Jesus Christ, ascended to a mountain to receive a greater law.  Peter, James, and John also ascended.  Moses received the higher law, then waited 40 years before returning to confront the ruling pharaoh.  You don’t do that if you don’t have heavenly power. 

After the resurrection there were 40 days before Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven.  We’ve studied how Christ taught the Apostles and they then traveled and preached with power. 

God taught Moses many things as in a temple experience.  It was like his orientation.  We know that God empowers his leaders in holy places, temples or mountains.  Think of Solomon’s Temple, other temples, temples today.  Why?  Because that is where He comes—that is where He instructs his prophets and leaders.  That is why the Dome of the Rock (at Temple Mount) is important.  That stone is the first rise of land out of water in the Creation.

Abraham anointed that rock as an altar unto God, dedicating it to God.  It is Temple Beth El, the holy temple mount.  David conquered Jerusalem and went to Mt Mariah. 

The Book of Moses is all about the creation of the world.  Dr. Hugh Nibley writes about a temple to interpret the signs in the heavens. It is where you get your bearings in the universe. 

Amazing that all the world focuses on that little rock.  Joseph Smith prophesied that the temple will be rebuilt there.  Jesus went to that little area.  Think about all of this.

The sacred things were not all at Mt Moriah, like the vision of Jacob sleeping on a sacred rock.
There are doctrinal reasons why Christ atoned for the entire universe there.     

Buddhists and Hindus have their sacred, but different, places.  They all believe that Messiah will come and reveal himself as the God of the whole universe. I.e., Jesus the Christ will be in the third temple.

NOTE:  Please review these student notes.                  
Lynnette and
   [Any errors are ours, not Teacher-Rynna's]             

Thanks to Dr. Robert B. Sklaroff for ADDITIONS