Monday, October 30, 2017

Los Angeles Dodgers vs Houston Astros

Lynnette text to daughter Debbie:  "We were up late last night."
Idaho daughter, Debbie to Lynnette:  "We were too."

Charles to Lynnette:  (1)  It's only a game, a national pastime. (2) To reach the World Series, both teams are top-notch.  (3) Both teams tried very hard but it may be like wrestling, somewhat predetermined, at least that seemed to be the case with the referee(Dodgers will win with four out of seven wins, and games six and seven will be at Dodger Stadium.   Hence, the Houston team had to win last evening. it was close, very close, a high-scoring game.

True blue Dodger fans were elated with a 4-0 lead so early in the game. Then, it was a roller coaster.  You may have enjoyed the high scoring game ending 13-12 in favor of the Houston team, but we True Blue fans felt every swing of the bat and every swing in the scoring!  

What we really liked were the patriotic pre-game anthem renditions, showing respect for the flag and the National Anthem!

In the first game, there was an Air Force 'fly-over' after a Black-America  pastor sang the National Anthem.  He had an amazing amateur voice, and ended in a crescendo as the fighter jets crossed over at the perfect moment, tears in our eyes, Northrop aircraft

Not to be outdone, in the domed Astrodome (closed) they had a more pop-culture singing of the National Anthem, the giant flag on the field, waving at the appropriate time with hundreds around the edges to do the waving, AND THEN AN AMERICAN BALD EAGLE FLYING, CIRCLING, AND LANDING WITH THE TRAINER.  WOW!!!!!

As you may know, the Dodgers then won in a great 'game three' to even at two to two (games). 

Contrast that to the NFL, just now on TV, "We came together (to kneel)" in protest to the Texas Cowboy owner and his sentence, "It's the inmates running the asylum.'

PS:  Debbie and her husband have a True Blue Dodger family (in Idaho) and for an anniversary event traveled to Detroit to cheer the Dodgers in their win over the Detroit Tigers in Detroit. 

FoxNews report on the Dodgers 8-5 win in an exciting game:

Now, the series has Houston leading 3-2 with Tuesday's game being important.  Note it is during the evening of Halloween so expect some interesting camera time.  The game starts at 5pm and will be 30 degrees cooler than the first game, which was played in 102 degrees. 

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