Friday, October 6, 2017


You should buy this book: SHIFT The NARRATIVE, by Russell Redenbaugh
Subtitle: A blind man’s vision for rewriting the stories that limit us
He was in the same HS graduating class as Lynnette.  Deseret News article:
Blinded at age 17, making a rocket model inspired by JFK and moon shot,

• After graduating on time with the class of '64 from Olympus High, the former “indifferent at best” student majored in business at the University of Utah and finished first in his class.
• At the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia, he earned his MBA and finished fifth in his class.
• As an economist and financier, first in Philadelphia and later in Silicon Valley, he gained world renown as an investor and strategist, making millions for his clients and millions more for himself.
• Appointed by President George H.W. Bush in 1990, he served on the Civil Rights Commission until 2005, the commission's first disabled member.
• At the age of 50, he began training in the Brazilian martial art of jiujitsu and proceeded to win consecutive world championships in 2003, 2004 and 2005 — all against sighted opponents.

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