Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Olde Gray Lady started Tinsel-gate !

Rush Limbaugh pointed out the following reason Tinsel-gate began.

"So the question – and it’s a big one – is why did the Gray Lady, that pinnacle of journalistic probity called the New York Times, suddenly find it necessary to violate the conspiracy of silence and share this information on page one only now?
"Can it be because barely a month ago, Weinstein announced his plan to direct a movie based on Leon Uris’s epic Warsaw Ghetto novel ‘Mila 18’? Can it be because Weinstein, despite his bleeding heart liberalism, despite his having shoveled truckloads of dollars into the Obama coffers, despite his blind obeisance to the Clinton corruption machine, crossed the Israel-hating Time’s red line and declared himself a Zionist and a lover of Israel? Had Weinstein instead come out in support of BDS is there a chance of a snowball in hell that the Times would have taken the liberty of bringing down such a lion of liberalism?"
J.J Gross is a grossly brilliant wordcrafter for The Times of Israel.
"J.J Gross is a veteran creative director and copywriter, who made aliyah in 2007 from New York."

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