Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Mother of all Corruption, Clinton Cash and Alinsky!

Everyone sees the BIGGEST SCANDAL OF OUR LIVES, not just Clinton/Obama!

Caller Scolds Host for Saying Hillary Won't Go to Jail
CALLER: This Uranium One deal makes Watergate look like a parking violation. And by you saying that Hillary won’t go to jail over the biggest national security scandal in U.S. history only serves to give her cover. The Democrats and the RINOs are going to say, “Whoa. Thank God for Limbaugh. He just gave us an out.”

RUSH: You know, I hadn’t looked at it this way.

CALLER: Well, listen, man. You don’t know how big your influence is. By you saying that she won’t go to jail, they’re going to be going, “Thank God we’re in the clear now. We can save her from the clink.”

RUSH: Jay, I want to be honest with you about something. I can tell you’re not going to believe it, but I don’t think that way. I don’t have a consciousness of power or influence. I really don’t. I’m totally taken aback here by your take, that my simply offering the opinion that I can’t imagine the swamp would ever put her in jail, as giving her cover.
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RUSH: Well, there better be a lot going on beside — we run the apparatus. We run the intelligence committees in the House and Senate. The Democrats don’t. We do. There better be a lot going on behind the scenes. Trump’s got some great judicial appointees, some of them have been confirmed. There’s no reason to act like the Democrats still run this show and can bottleneck all of these things. We run the DOJ. We should be able to run investigations into this stuff.  
     This is one of the many reasons Trump has been elected, by the way, is to make sure that the legitimate tools of law enforcement are used against all of these people who’ve been abusing this system for who knows how long. The evidence keeps piling up. I’m encouraged when I hear Devin Nunes, who really deserves a lot of credit on both the uranium and the dossier thing, Devin Nunes, remember, he made that trip up to the White House that was castigated for. He found that intel that nobody had seen that they were trying to cover up, and then they started demanding that he recuse himself from all this stuff, from certain aspects of the investigation. And he did, but not all.
     He is owed a debt, really, for sticking to this. But he runs that committee. And so there better be some things going on behind the scenes here that will result in action being taken, because I will guaran-damn-tee you, if the tables were reversed and this story was essentially the same except the Republicans had done the paying, the Republicans had manufactured the lies, the Republicans had used whatever was created to run phony, false intelligence investigations, criminal investigations of Democrats, there would already have been a perp walk in handcuffs. Somebody would already be in jail, and the media wouldn’t let go of it ’til more were in jail.
…   …   …

Related Links

     Democrats Furiously Spin the Dossier Story

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