Monday, September 4, 2017

DEEP UNDERCOVER by double-agent Jack Barsky

DEEP UNDERCOVER by Jack Barsky with Cindy Coloma
Subtitle:  My Secret Life & Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America

From the FoxNews interview with Stuart Varney:  “Terrorists need a heavy dose of Christianity!”
“How to get terrorists to change their views on America.”

Review of Deep Undercover

“Prosperity knits a man to the world. He feels that he is finding his place in it, while really it is finding its place in him.”   ―  C.S. Lewis

Albrecht Dittrich – or Jack Barsky, as he’d soon come to call himself – had it made.
He’d flown to the top of his class and landed an impressive professorship as a fresh-faced youth. He had friends in high places – close friends, and soon to be powerful friends – rising in the ranks of the Communist party there in East Germany. “You only tell the Party ‘No’ once,” he’d been told. It came as no surprise, then, when a mysterious stranger showed up and made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Soon, he was across the Berlin Wall in forbidden West Germany, testing the waters to see if he’d crumple under the pressure of an assumed identity.

One decision can end everything . . . or lead to unlikely redemption.
Millions watched the CBS 60 Minutes special on Jack Barsky in 2015. Now, in this fascinating memoir, the Soviet KGB agent tells his story of gut-wrenching choices, appalling betrayals, his turbulent inner world, and the secret life he lived for years without getting caught. … The plan succeeded, and the spy’s new identity was born: Jack Barsky. He would work undercover for the next decade, carrying out secret operations during the Cold War years . . . until a surprising shift in his allegiance challenged everything he thought he believed.
Deep Undercover will reveal the secret life of this man without a country and tell the story no one ever expected him to tell.

Kindle version is under $10.  Click=>  Deep Undercover: Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy

Look at the 21 pictures in the middle to get a feel for the person and the book.  Here are the chapter titles:  (1) The Making of a Spy;   (2) The Training of a Spy;   (3) The Embedding of a Spy;   (4) The Death of a Spy [becoming the double-agent];   (5) The Catching of a Spy;   (6) The Redemption [Christian conversion] of a Spy.

Then there is a revealing Epilogue by the converted spy;
And afterword by FBI agent Joe Reilly who caught him, now BBF.

Give credit to Cindy Coloma who puts in amazing hooks at the end of each chapter:  [Age five]  From that night on, there were no more kisses for me.”  … “I didn’t open another Bible for the next 45 years.” … “Once again, I was on my own, and once again I buried the pain as deep as I could—a habit that, sadly, I would perfect into adulthood.” … “I would soon be faced with the most important decision of my young life.” … “As hardened and focused as I would become, there was a chink in my armor—not the temptation of a woman, but the innocence of a child—that one day would lead to my downfall—and also to my salvation.” … “With that final exercise, I got ready for my return trip to Moscow via Montreal and Geneva.” …  “My American adventure was about to begin.” … “This unplanned silence, and the subsequent trust generated by the explanation, would later help me in ways I could not have imagined at the time.”  …  “I needed to remain focused, and a beautiful woman could be my downfall.”  …  “But Moscow wasn’t so easily convinced.” … “I knew that the FBI believed I was telling the truth.” … “Over time, I’ve played over 100 rounds of golf with my erstwhile enemy and captor.” … “What I couldn’t guess was that the biggest change of my life was just around the corner.” … “But God wasn’t finished with me yet.” … “I saw God’s hand in guiding this trip to help me become whole and to reconcile my American present honestly and cleanly with mu German past.” … “You are a true Christian—you just don’t know it yet”, his future wife said to him.

In the end, it was love of his very young child and even more, the love of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.  His testimony goes beyond his conversion and borders into his relationship with Deity.  Later, with his daughter, Destiny, he knows she can’t catch a fish in their lake.  She does and says, “Magic, Daddy, I have magic.”  Yes, little one, you have magic.  “Only God could create something so beautiful, and I love you so much.  Thank You, God.   [Those are the final words in his book!]

From half a dozen formats, you should choose the hardcopy version. Check your library also.

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