Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Big LIE, (book and movie) by Dinesh D’Souza

The Big Lie  soon to be a political bombshell movie        
Subtitle:  Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left
 “In this book, I turn the tables on the Democratic Left and show that they—not Trump—are the real fascists.”

"Of course, everything [D'Souza] says here is accurate... But it's not going to sit well with people on the American left who, of course, are portraying themselves as the exact opposite of all of this." — RUSH LIMBAUGH

Review of The Big LIE !

D'Souza's Best Book Yet! Couldn't put it down even on vacation!

In Amazon, by NewNoNonsense August 5, 2017    Format: Kindle Edition
Dinesh D'Souza researched this book from stem to stern and I was amazed by his extraordinary expose of Leftism's influence on the National Socialists of Germany. I read this book on vacation and was unable to put it down. It stayed in my company at all times, even on the beaches of Hawaii. I am going to buy 3 more copies for family and friends. There's a reason this book soared to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. And it's a very good reason: IT IS THE TRUTH BASED ON DEMONSTRABLE HISTORICAL FACTS.

       We’ll have more time before Friday-readers see this.
       Let us know your views/insights to include for them.

We have the power to stop them now. WE JUST HAVE TO DO IT!   In the words of that slogan from the 1960s, “If not now, when?  If not us, who?”    [Those are the final words in his book!]

There are a dozen picture in the middle that tell the story.
The Index in the back is fascinating, efficient, and useful;  plus,
there are 30 pgs of NOTES/references [overkill for your info.]
From seven formats, you should choose the hardcopy version. Check your library also.

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