Monday, September 4, 2017

The Cleansing of America by W. Cleon Skousen

The Cleansing of America  published in 1994, 20+ years ago!

W. Cleon Skousen (1913-2006)—an ardent supporter of God, country, and the unlimited potential for greatness in all people—passed away at his Salt Lake City home in 2006 just eleven days shy of his ninety-third birthday.  His books on religion, such as The First 2,000 Years, Prophecy and Modern Times, Isaiah Speaks to Modern Times, Treasures from the Book of Mormon , and Days of the Living Christ, reached millions of readers in the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic communities. 

Dr. Skousen served for sixteen years in J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI as an agent, and later as the communications director during the waning years of the gangster era and World War II.  He was also the editor of the nation’s leading police magazine, “Law and Order.”  Known for his untiring devotion to principle and integrity, he served as Salt Lake City’s chief of police and created what Time Magazine called “a model police force.” He and his wife Jewel are the parents of eight children, fifty grandchildren, and one hundred-plus great-grandchildren.

The author writes, “This book is a sequel to The Majesty of God’s Law. [The rest of the story.]  It covers:  The restoration of the Constitution;  The adoption of God’s Law;   The introduction of a Zion society under the law of consecration with individual stewardships;   The great last gathering of Israel;   The coming of the ten tribes;   and The building of the New Jerusalem.

Here are some areas covered:
“The Signs of the Times”;   …   “God’s Warning to the American Gentiles”; … “How Will America Be Cleansed?” … “The Word of the Lord”; … “America Begins to Attain Her Manifest Destiny”; … “Setting up the New Jerusalem”; … “Coming of the Ten Tribes [from the North]”; … “Battle of Armageddon”; … “Warn and Seal Up Every Nation”; … “Earth [moves] Back Towards Kolob”; … “The Second Coming”; … “[What’s Next?]  Seven Steps in Setting Up God’s Law”; … “A New Economic System Under God’s Law”; … “Developing the Blessings of a Zion Society”; … “Looking Forward!

Dr. W. Cleon Skousen spent the majority of his life researching the gospel, the U.S. Constitution, the founding of America and writing numerous books and articles on the topic, and he is one of the most well-known, respected defenders of America and the gospel the world has ever known. At the time of his passing in 2006, his work was not yet finished. His book The Cleansing of America, written in 1994 and given into the care and keeping of his sons, is now being brought forth for the first time ever.

Included in these pages are the events and stages the Lord has predicted, through his servants, the winding-up scenes of this world. It helps the reader understand: the nature of prophecy, the known chronology of prophetic events, and the importance of staying close to the Lord and his prophets during the difficult and challenging years prior to the Second Coming. We are fast approaching those prophetic events. Some are upon us even now.  If we are prepared and obedient, we need not fear these events, but rather embrace them for the blessing they portend.

The Cleansing of America  is the culmination of several years of research, writing, and speaking on the subject of prophecy and the latter days relative to the United States.  In 1994, he compiled his research as a book that he published privately for his family.  He told them he didn’t feel comfortable going public with it until “the time was right.”  When his sons asked when that might be, he said, “You will know.  It will be a dark time when the Constitution is being abandoned, when economic turmoil boils on every level of society and government. … You’ll know it when you see it.  That’s the time that this book should be published.”

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