Friday, September 15, 2017

The yeoman efforts of Rush Limbaugh to reveal TRUTH !

Important Information from Dr. Robert B. Sklaroff
Vision, Mission, Addition

Why EiB-ECHO?  What is the Vision (goal)?  What is the Mission (pathway)? And what Enhancements are mainstreamed (strategery)? 

The Vision
These days, most Conservative outlets appear to have the monopoly on Truth about politics, social issues, and American values. We attempt to convey succinctly the yeoman efforts of Rush Limbaugh to articulate these concerns, many of which have marinated during past decades. NOTES also draw upon additional sources that are intended to help you become armed with quality-facts that will help win elections for like-minded people and—in the process—Make America Great Again [quoting Ronaldus Magnus Reagan…and The Donald…and even Bill/Hill Clinton]. We MUST try to “MAGA” if we are to win the Culture War.

The Mission
Publication of these NOTES contributed, we feel, to the victory enjoyed by The Donald and, thus, continues to demonstrate why “Every day since November 8th has yielded Christmas presents!” Distribution has, therefore, been laboriously expanded from more than a thousand news-makers and news-breakers on our eList, even as we have tried to refine content.  We revel in searching the New Media for honest/cutting-edge sources that serve to supplement Rush’s unique contributions; we do not deviate from focusing upon unvarnished Truth that is generated by others who have carved-out specialty areas of expertise, recognizing that relevance comes from content, content, content. Because “The pen is mightier than the sword,” we hope that, with God’s help, our mission is succeeding!

The Extensions/Additions
Over time, we’ve added sections after the 15 Rush Limbaugh Show segments, with links for further reading, channeling Sean Hannity and Pamela Geller in-particular.  You can read these sources yourself, but we highlight particularly vital data from myriad authors, for your speed-reading convenience. Additional input from Rush Limbaugh includes the Morning Update and highlights from the previous day. Reliable resources are also quoted [FoxNews and FoxBusiness; One America News network;;  UK Daily Mail (sometimes)].  We highlight a conservative website each day and additional comments from the Blogosphere; we also include our personal observations by citing an additional BLOGspot and interdigitating color-commentary c/o Dr. Sklaroff.

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