Thursday, September 21, 2017

President Donald J. Trump is the POTUS for our times

Remember the President/Negotiator wants other nations to step up:
(          (1)  He would ‘negotiate’ with Rocketman and Rouhani-Iran;
(          (2)  They say they won’t, “Never!”  (3) Here’s the Big Stick!!!
It’s best for surrounding nations to hit them, led by the USA military.
                “Trumpsters take Trump seriously, not literally!

History will judge Donald Trump morally better than Neville Chamberlain.
Notice that The Negotiator strings it out, letting US Fools show themselves.
As El Rushbo says, “GOP needs to unite and bury DIMs for a generation.”
As Newt Gingrich teaches, ‘Pass good TaxReform, or just fold up the tent.’

President Donald J. Trump is being more ‘presidential’ for our times.

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