Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The attempted various impacts of Islamofascism

From Dr. Sklaroff:  As you have noted, during recent weeks, the “Blast” e-Mails from Geller have included hyperlinks to the daily labors of Ms. Pamela Geller; you are invited to subscribe to acquire a “2 a.m.” update but, for those who prefer to minimize receipt of e-mail, this weekend’s sampling illustrates why her work is both unique and vital.  Just the last four days’ articles are categorized, a bit, to illustrate the expanse of her efforts; know that her ultimate impact has transcended her focus on Islamism [along with that of her associate, Robert Spencer, of “Jihad Watch”]. I have met both during their visits to Philly [and, a decade ago, debated Pamela @ a U.N. meeting regarding Bosnia]; they are exceptionally well-documented and forever ahead-of-the-news-“curve.”
The first set illustrates the intense pushback against them [and their philosophical allies], noting that they are banned from visiting England because they are allegedly too inflammatory:
The second set illustrates the fundamental ideology/impact of Islamofascism:
The third set illustrates the inability to trust the DbM regarding reportage of Islamofascism:
The fourth set illustrates the domestic impact of Islamofascism:
The fifth set illustrates the overseas [in the Middle East] impact of Islamofascism:
The sixth set illustrates the overseas [in Europe] impact of Islamofascism:
The seventh set illustrates the overseas [in the rest of the world] impact of Islamofascism:
Essentially, these conceptualizations can easily be deduced from skimming her website daily; the goal, here, was to be somewhat demonstrative to “inspire” you to monitor her journalism achievements regularly, having emphasized those that been noted to have recurred.

Author:   Dr. Robert B. Sklaroff can be reached at RSklaroff@gMail.com 

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