Sunday, September 3, 2017

TRUTH from our NOTES wins Elections !

Extra Echo NOTE, Saturday 9/2/17
           How NOTES-TRUTH wins elections.

History and Background
When we started as General Schwarzkopf led  Desert Shield, 1990-1991,
perhaps Rush Limbaugh was like Trump and used colorful language. But
his brother, David Limbaugh, convinced his rising-star brother, Rush, that
a more ‘professional’ dialog was more effective, FYI.  At the time, people
thought the Republican Guard could match our Military. Rush knew they couldn’t;
General Schwarzkopf said we would go in after a month preparation, the
rest is history.  Colin Powell stood politically with those to stand down.
UPDATE:  General Schwarzkopf gave a lengthy interview on details:
UPDATE: Desert Storm (Iran), Desert Shield (protect Saudi Arabia).

We’ve come a long ways from those early days, such a memory lane.
Now we have an eList of over 1,200 newsmakers and news-breakers.

A main priority: keep the NOTES-excellence we have and enhance
w/incremental improvements.  In the early days, we spend half the time
on daily (M-F) NOTES and the other half of the time building the eList.

Now is the time you can help with referrals to those who would benefit
going into 2018 and the important House and Senate elections. Also,
remember there are three eLists: M-F, Friday-only, once-a-month.

Segments #1-15:  Keywords are the editors’ lead-in one-liners!
In olden days, we would put {kw1 / kw2 / kw3} … and revert sometimes.

There are five segments per hour, some with ‘hard’ breaks for ads/news
and every half-hour, we send copy to Dr. Sklaroff to view/improve. He
is amazing and we don’t give all of our success-secrets away!
If one were to transcribe the whole show, (like some Soros-paid nuts tried),
it takes 70 to 100 pages of transcription.  Rush will emphasize his Truth
by saying something three times, three different takes, and lately add
spelling and/or references for the person preparing the web-highlights.

We are able to condense by a factor of ten down to seven to ten pages.

>>> If you are speedreading, you can skim down for your interests.
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update:
In this section, we move in the Morning Update.  Many of you
have already read and/or heard it. — It is promo for everyone.    [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Top Topics from Yesterday:
 In this section, we move in the HIGHLIGHTS and links to
reinforce the prior day’s show.  You can ‘click’ to read more.
OANn,   One America News network, out of San Diego:

This news outlet has been running for four years, just a baby.
They cover six times more stories than those going ‘in depth’.

We check in the early morning as part of our research, and again
for breaking news as Dr. Sklaroff makes the final-copy review.

We love these people and try to keep all of them on our eList.
Learn from WSJ Online:
Fox News Channel &  FOX Business Central
Here, resides our main ‘target’ audience, plus you, of course.
  In the words of Roger Ailes to us, early on:  “We are always
interested in what Rush Limbaugh is thinking.”  They’re BFF.
Featured Website Today:  Extend American Greatness
MakeAmericaGreatAgainByEXTENDINGgreatness   Sign up for updates on their Homepage! 

This is a new section where we search great websites for ways to
add to the NOTES eList.    Let us know which sites you like best.
Expect good info and pictures from the UK Daily Mail:

Since this news source in London (with a USA team) is hours ahead of
EiB broadcasting from noon to 3pm, we look at it at in the early morn.
These days, we do a ‘find’ on [Trump] and cut/paste in best pictures.
From Pamela Geller, the best insights on Israel/USA
Today's Headlines   from ç{Click here!}
ED: Purists, like the leader in Iran say, “Convert, Submit, or DIE!” ç{Click here!}

This is an awesome new section for our NOTES.  People have not been
interested enough in Israel/USA/Gospel, even though those who know
the TRUTH know this is ‘end of days’ — and the importance of Israel !!

Pam Geller is brilliant and inspired and Dr. Sklaroff, of Jewish persuasion,
is in charge of information selection to go here, either line-links or pictures
with thumbnail sketch below.  Those with eyes need to see, ears to hear!
BLOGoSPHERE Truth:  (news)-(gems)-(wisdom)-(analysis)
     * * *       LIFE!     *     LIBERTY!     *     OPPORTUNITY!       * * *
We surf the Web and Google-search for Truth and Revelation and put here
what many not fit elsewhere.  That is also the case with our WML-Blog.
From Hannity, since you watch already, we do what we can to
give you the best breaking True-News and insights, if easy.
This can come from the website, TV the night before, or 1st segment of radio.
Pass Echo on. (Editors: Be your Conservative best. 
Your Rush EXTRA for Saturday 9-2-2017  is C/L Shipp; Dr. Sklaroff is 
Join our Wellness online club:
START with the end of the NOTE for today!  {We send this line to Dr.S to start!}
{{Notice that Dr. Sklaroff is now co-editor, and Lynnette assumes the Venus status.}}

BOTTOM LINE:  We search for what is critically interesting, to us and to you.

We realize that the import here is content, content, content, thanks to Rush.
Personally, we put additional insights into 
such as how Hannity & Rush were right and Romney and Beck were wrong.
Also, Dr. Sklaroff has a priority to write about the current Dreamer situation.
Let us know your priority interests and we will start the BLOG conversation.

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